Key Hole Cichlid pairs


Hello All,

well the only other thread I can remember posting here was about my Key Holes, I bought four about a year and a half ago and lucky me - ended up with two pairs :D They were the first four fish in my 55 gallon and without ever doing water testing or anything admittedly responsible at the beginning - have both been breeding now (the pairs I mean)

Neither pair has let their clutches through to hatching though, as I have observed both pairs eating their eggs, due to nervousness I'm guessing? They share the tank with two corys, two yellow lab cichlids (still young), and four pearl danios. Everybody has their space and so far no fins nipped or any social issues that I've noticed (besides the egg thing)

Should I move one pair to a separate tank? I'm wondering if I make the one more dominant pair the only pair in the tank if they would let their eggs hatch?

Sorry bout typing a small story lol thanks in advance :p


CCA Members
I would try separating a pair. Another advantage of a smaller tank is it will be easier to feed the fry if things get that far.
And I'd take the yellow labs out of this tank... I don't like mixing my old and new world cichlids, but particularly not with a cichlid reputed to be as shy and mild as keyholes.


CCA Members
And I'd take the yellow labs out of this tank... I don't like mixing my old and new world cichlids, but particularly not with a cichlid reputed to be as shy and mild as keyholes.

I think yellow labs and a mild CA tank would be fine. However I do agree they are not good tank mates for keyholes.