Keeping a new cichlid


New to us, at least...

Recently we were very lucky to take home some Stendker Discus from Batfish Aquatics.

I've generally considered Discus shy, touchy, and overrated, but this group is anything but. They are flake-trained and come to the front of the 150 gallon to be fed. Though they are juveniles, they seem unphased by the larger Biotodoma cupidos in the tank and the presence of many dither fish and plants seems to get them out and moving. They most love to weave in and out of the forests of Valisneria we have planted in that tank.

My husband has always wanted some and he checks on them, counting them, asking me if they "look ok" multiple times a day. I don't think I've seen him this proud since Isaac was born :p.

We also have a few of Alexandra's babies in a quarantine tank in the fish room. They have similarly bold personalities for discus and beg like puppies whenever I walk in the room. I was surprised at just how big Alexandra had managed to grow them in the time she's had them.


Nice. If you get the right discus from the right breeders you can pretty much treat them like your average hardy cichlid.

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Discus generally require cleaner water than your average hard cichlid to thrive. This means more water changes are needed for discus than your average cichlids.

Good luck with your discus, Becca!


Discus generally require cleaner water than your average hard cichlid to thrive. This means more water changes are needed for discus than your average cichlids.

The B. cupidos actually have very similar requirements to discus which is part of why we chose the cupidos to begin with. Anyway, we're good about keeping up with maintenance. The tank is heavily planted and runs on 2 eheim 2217s with diffuser output nozzles.


Board of Directors
Discus generally require cleaner water than your average hard cichlid to thrive. This means more water changes are needed for discus than your average cichlids.

Good luck with your discus, Becca!

I agreed but some ppl go nuts....water changes everyday is not good either...doesn't give them time to acclimate to the water chemistry. But this can be argued forever...any who stable and clean water is a good idea for any fish regardless of type.

Becca's tanks are clean and more than capable of housing discus.

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I agreed but some ppl go nuts....water changes everyday is not good either...doesn't give them time to acclimate to the water chemistry. But this can be argued forever...any who stable and clean water is a good idea for any fish regardless of type.

Becca's tanks are clean and more than capable of housing discus.

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Awwww, shucks :blush:.

This is "our" first time with Discus, but not mine. I had a few rejects from a local breeder for quite some time in my old 30 gallon back in grad school. It's not a fish we've owned as a couple.

I did have a friend who went nuts with water changes, blackwater extract, acid buffers, discus buffers, etc. and NEVER had luck with discus. That guy accounts for most of my (sad and stressful) memories of discus. I'm following the advice of Hans and Josh on these guys - let them settle a week before a WC and try not to do anything that drastically alters water chemistry.


Board of Directors
Awwww, shucks :blush:.

This is "our" first time with Discus, but not mine. I had a few rejects from a local breeder for quite some time in my old 30 gallon back in grad school. It's not a fish we've owned as a couple.

I did have a friend who went nuts with water changes, blackwater extract, acid buffers, discus buffers, etc. and NEVER had luck with discus. That guy accounts for most of my (sad and stressful) memories of discus. I'm following the advice of Hans and Josh on these guys - let them settle a week before a WC and try not to do anything that drastically alters water chemistry.

Got similar advice when I got my discus from Hans and from fellow discus keepers.
I don't know about Josh - is he the same Josh from batfish? ;) lol

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Why listen to Hans? It's not like he's a Discus Guru :p

When you're feeling energized pictures would be great to see. I've always had an interest in Discus. I don't think I can provide for them (nor can I afford them) but they've been high on the 'dream' list.

Heavily planted is the best kind of planted. I wish I could heavily plant my main tank but the big boys just mow most of it down.


I have Discus in a 125 plant tank I do 75%WC weekly right out of the tap and use safe.I don't do noting with my ph and thay are fine. But I did grow them out in a 40 breeder till thay were 4" just keep there water clean and youll be fine.