K. xinguensis


CCA Members
Anyone have any experience with this fish? I'd like to keep a pair, but there's just not that much info out there and I'm getting mixed accounts of the size.


Global Moderators
Anyone have any experience with this fish? I'd like to keep a pair, but there's just not that much info out there and I'm getting mixed accounts of the size.

I used to have one. I believe it was female. She behaved like most acara types (which is closely resembles). By that, I mean she did not bother other fish smaller than her, but would occasionally flare her gill plates at a cichlid of similar size if it came too close to her. She ate anything I offered. I had her for two years. At that point, she was roughly 5".

I hope this helps.


Past CCA President
I've kept them a few times over the years as well. My experiences are similar to Andrew's. Fairly typical acara behavior. I never was able to get them to spawn, but I think that is because I tried keeping them in a community setting instead of giving them their own tank. They are cool fish.


CCA Members
Mine were in a community setting (180g) and bred quite a few times. I siphoned out some fry and raised them a couple of times, as the pair(s) wouldn't be able to do so in a community.

Well worth keeping!
