June Meeting (6/13/2020) Open Discussion and Chat


Past President
Sorry for the short notice, our scheduled speaker had to postpone as she wasn't prepared to present virtually. Greg and I reached out to a few people, but unfortunately nobody was available.

We decided we'd host an open video chat through Google Meets. It's a private room, so I can't post a link, access is granted by invitation. You shouldn't need a google account to log in, but it'll be through the Google platform. I believe it should be web accessible without downloading anything.

If anyone is interested in joining a virtual chat, send me a message with your email address and I'll send out invites later tonight. Chat will be scheduled from 2-4 PM tomorrow, but how long it lasts will depend on how many people join, and how much is discussed.

It will be an open format, anyone can join and discuss anything they'd like, show off new tanks or fish, or ask questions of the group. Some topics for example:
  • New fish since March
  • Recent breeding success

  • Upgrades in equipment/recommendations
  • Summer tubs
  • How our hobby has helped you in dealing with these times

Hopefully everyone is staying safe and healthy, but we're still unable to hold our usual meetings. People are welcome to discuss Summer plans, and we might discuss an alternative to our usual Summer picnic that would generally happen in August.

We'll have most Board members available if anyone has any club specific questions, but hopefully we'll get a few people to join and we can chat fish.

lock jaw

CCA Members
For the meetings, it would be nice If you could give a weeks notice with information of the date, time and link/location. I'm sure more people could plan for it and join.


Past President
This is what I get for not checking the forum since last week... How'd it go?

It was interesting, just a small group. We discussed things happening in the club, other clubs, what people had been doing, and plans for the coming months. Very informal though, catching up with people and brainstorming ideas. It was a last minute substitution for the type of meeting we wanted to have.


Past President
For the meetings, it would be nice If you could give a weeks notice with information of the date, time and link/location. I'm sure more people could plan for it and join.
Of course it would, and generally we do. Crazy things happening nowadays that changes everything and what can be done and how it's done. Ideas are great if they're provided ahead of time or as an offer to help, after the fact it's just an observation.