Julidochromis Breeders For Sale!


I've gotten so many fish in the past week I need to make some room. For sale are my Julidochromis dickfeldi breeders originally from Old World. Mike Hill got them from Old World and then I got them from him. They are LARGE... 4 inches + They still spawn ( I have fry in the tank )...

Here is a pic Mike took of them...


Asking 60.00 for the pair.

Pick-up in Glen Burnie, Sept. meeting, or shipping are all ways to receive the fish.

As usual, CCA members ( must be in green ) get first dibs on all breeders.

Please either PM or email me at Longstocking30@Hotmail.com


Pretty good Rich... just seem so busy ! How are you doing?

ok how about this... 50.00 for CCA Members. 60.00 for non-members.


you make me shuffle tanks so much its not funny any more :)

In truth... Julie made me do the same thing! "oh that fish I've drooled over for 5 years, of couse I want that 7 inch Calvus!" :lol: You aren't alone. It used to be worse....we were up there every other month!

I'm pretty sure one of my shellies will need to go as well. I'll give ya first dibs :D :p