Jave Fern Needed.......


I need about 10-15 small plants / plantlets. Anyone have them available and coming to the meeting on Satuday?

And a couple of Anubias


How much $?

Thx - Joseph



You had to confuse me.... I have a 150g tall I'd like one ot two in and my gf has a 30 long. Now that I've found out that there are a few speicies of plants I can place in w Africans I'm ready to give it a try.

What do you suggest for each type of tank (tall vs. long)?



invert junkie
for a 150, i would get anubias bartieri as they are large. For a 30g, any of the smaller to mid-sized anubias (coffefolia, nana, lanceolata, etc) would work out well.


Sorry bro I only have nana & petites available, might have a shipment of Coffefolia in the next few days, I'll let ya know

heres a list of low light plants
Dose with iron to get red out of some of the stem plants
Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus
Windelov Java Fern, Windelov Fern - Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov'
Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus v. 'narrow leaf'
Java Moss - Vesicularia dubyana
Green Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma
Sunset Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Ceylon Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma 'Ceylon'
Rotala Rotundifolia - Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala Rotundifolia sp. Green - Rotala rotundifolia sp. 'Green'
Rotala Indica - Rotala indica
Hornwort - Ceratophylum demersum
Parrots Feather - Myriophyllum aquaticum
Moneywort, Water Hyssop - Bocapa monnieri
Brazilian Pennywort, Pennywort - Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Crypt Wendtii - Cryptocoryne wendtii
Crypt Balansae - Cryptocoryne Balansae
Pygmy Crypt - Cryptocoryne pygmaea
Guppy Grass - Najas guadalupensis
Anubias barteri - Anubias barteri v. barteri
Anubias barteri 'marble' - Anubias barteri 'marble'
Anubias barteri v. 'glabra' - Anubias barteri v. 'glabra'
Anubias nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana'
Coffee leaf anubias - Anubias barteri v. 'coffeefolia'
Crypt retrospiralis - Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Crypt spiralis - Cryptocoryne spiralis
Golden nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana golden'
Narrow leaf nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana narrow leaf'
Petite nana - Anubias barteri v. nana 'petite'
Philippine Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine'
Red Java fern - Microsorum pteropus "red"
Crypt Becketii - Cryptcoryne becketii
Pelia - Monosolenium tenerum
Waterwheel Plant - Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Bacopa - Bacopa caroliniana
African Water Fern - Bolbitis heudelotii
Hornwort - Ceratophyllum submersum
Crypt Aponogetifolia - Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia
Micro Crypt - Cryptocoryne petchii
Tropica Sword - Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'
Downoi - Pogostemon helferi


Rotala Indica (the real one) is NOT a low light plant. That said, very few actually own it, and what you buy commercially is not actually Indica - it is rotundiflora that you find commercially available (and mislabelled obviously). I only make a point of this because there is real Indica in the hands of folks in this area - and as it isn't common at all, I'd hate to see it killed with folks not knowing how different it is.

Anubias Gold requires more light than normal Anubias. Similar to other marbled and off color mutations, the color is a function of dead pigment cells, which makes the cells that remain work harder to photosynthesize.

Myriophyllums, Hydrocotyles (not left floating that is), Bacopas, and rotalas may live (or may not, low light to non planted folks is REALLY low light), but will be ratty and long legged - especially in deep tanks like a 150g. Downoi as well looks absoutely horrid when it struggles along in low light.
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