January Auction Items


Don't forget to get your stuff into My Group Auctions for this weekend's meeting! I can't wait to see everyone!!!!


Former CCA member
Should be great! I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and hearing Alan speak. I've got a few things for the auction myself.
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Past CCA President
Only 6 items so far. I know there is more out there!

Remember, the BAP bucks program starts this month, so for those of you on the fence about BAP participation, maybe this will sway you to join!


How does this work as I have never put anything into the auction before.

Do I register on the webpage, and then just write the item number and what it is on the bag for the auction?


Former CCA member
Yes, that's essentially it. You register, use the Plus icon to enter items, and then you can print labels to put on your bags. It's easy.


Active Member
I think the first step after registering is to join a group - in this case CCA. Once you've joined the group you will see the list of auctions, click on the plus to add. It looks like all of the CCA auctions are in for the year, so make sure you put your items in for the right auction.

If you are also a member of PVAS or any other groups or just want to see what they have in their auctions, you can add those as well and see all auctions in your list at once.

You can see a user's guide at:


Thanks guys! I have been on the my group auctions page for some time now but have never put anything in the auction. I will give it a go and see what happens.