ISO Lake Tanganyika Cichlids


New Member
Putting out some feelers for stocking and who has what as I get new tank setup. It is a 40 gallon breeder I'll be converting from a planted SA tank.

Ideally looking for:
Neolamprologus similis
Altolamprologus Compressiceps

Not set exactly on species/location, so let me know what ya got from Tanganyika!


New Member
I have WC similis. I also have altos, but I’m not likely selling them yet. I also have several other Tanganyikan species.
What kind of Altos? Definitely interested in the similis. And would love to know what other kinds you have. Shoot me a message (I can't find how to do it lol)


CCA Members
I have Compressiceps Mandarin from Talama and calvus inkfin. Those in not sure I’m selling.

I do have 4-5 WC similis, 4 Lamprologus speciosus (black Ocellatus), 5 Opthalmotilapia ventralis orange neck (WC), Aulonocranus dewindti, Neolamprologus longior Karilani orange for sale.

As a new member, I don’t think you can PM yet, but you can email me at