CCA Members
Hey gang,
The day after the PVAS meeting is our friends in Lancaster County's big Fall Auction. As such, I'm bringing in a HUGE shipment of fish for pre-orders, as well as the additional stuff that is currently in stock and available (http://www.batfishaquatics.com/freshwater.php).
If you haven't done a pre-order before, here's how it works. You have until WEDNESDAY at 4 PM to e-mail BatfishAquatics@gmail.com with a list of what you want, and send a paypal to the same address for 50% of the price of the fish. They will be available for pickup at the PVAS November Meeting, the ACLC Fall Auction, the November CCA meeting, or by other arrangement at the Batfish Warehouse. We can also ship (but PLEASE ask about shipping costs first!) Please note that the following is our PRE-ORDER ONLY list. These fish are not currently in stock, but will be arriving Thursday. To see our in-stock list, please visit the Batfish Aquatic's webpage. You do not need to pre-order fish in stock.
In the event the fish you pre-order do not come in or not in acceptable condition, you get a complete refund.
New World Dwarf Cichlids
Acarichthys heckelii (Thread Fin Acara) WILD - $25 (2-3")
Apistos -- please note that the prices are per each. If you want a pair, order 2. Sex is not guaranteed, but usually not a problem.
Apisto. aggie "Double Red" -- $20 each
Apisto. netz "Tefe Blue Pearl" -- $25 each
Apisto. bitaeniatua WILD -- $12 each
Apisto. borelli -- $15 each
Apisto. cacatuoides "Orange Flash" -- $18 each
Apisto. cacatuoides "Super Red" -- $19 each
Apisto. hongsloi -- $30 each
Apisto. nijsseni -- $20 each
Apisto. panduro -- $20 each
Apisto. algadon-2 -- $40 each
Apisto. trifasciata -- $18 each
Apisto. viejita -- $22 each
Dicrossus filamentosus -- $7 each
New World Cichlids
Blue Acara -- $6
Green Terror -- $7
Wild Angelfish (XLG, Peru) -- $45
Wild Angelfish (Lg. Brazil) -- $35
Wild Angel (Lg, Colombia) -- $35
Amphilophus sp. "Red Isletas" -- $15
Amphilophus trimaculatus -- $8
Caqietaoa umbriferum -- $15
Cryptoheros nanoluteus -- $12
Crypt. panamense -- $10
Geophagus abalios (WILD) -- $12
Geo. crassilabrus (VERY UNCOMMON) -- $35
Geo. steindachneri -- $10 (Red Hump)
Geo. "Tapajos Red Head) -- $15
Gymno. balzani -- $9
Gymno. sp. "Neon" -- $10
Gymno. gymnogenys "Yerbolito" -- $10
Gymno. meridionalis -- $12
Herichthys bartoni -- $10
Herichthys tamasopoensis -- $10
Parachromis dovii (Wolf Cichlid) -- $8
Parachromis managuense (Jaguar) -- $8
Satanoperca daemon WILD -- $18
Thorichthys pasiones -- $10
Electric Blue Dempsey -- $25
Platinum Dempsey -- $40
Aulonocara baenschi (F1, 1") -- $8
A. sp. "Chitande Type Nkhomo" (F1, 1") -- $8
A. gertrudae "Jumbo Blue" (F1, 1") -- $9
A. hansbaenschi "Red Shoulder" (F1, 1-2") -- $8
A. sp. "Maleri Island" (F1, 1") -- $9
A. sp. "Usisya" "Flavesant" (F1, 1") -- $8
A. sp. "Lemon Jake" (WILD PAIR) -- $125
A. sp. "Lwanda Red Top" (WILD PAIR) -- $125
Aristochromis christyi -- $10
Cynotilapia afra -- $8
Cynotilapia hara -- $8
Cynotilapia "Jalo Reef" -- $8
Cynotilpia "Lion's Cove" -- $8
Lab. hongi -- $9
Lab. perlmutt -- $12
Placidochromis "Blue Otter" -- $10
Placidochromis electra -- $9
Sciaenochromis fryeri -- $15
Altolamp. calvus black -- $20
Frontosa -- $25
Juli. ornatus -- $15
Juli transcriptus -- $15
Neo. brevis "Katabe" -- $15
Neo. brevis "Sunspot" -- $12
Neo. leleupi -- $12
West African, Riverine Species
Gobiocichla ethelwynnae -- $35
Pv. pulcher Yellow -- $10
Pv. roloffi -- $50 PAIR
Pv. signatus -- $55 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Bipindi -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Kienke -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Lokundje -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Makoure -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Nyete -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Wouri-- $50 PAIR
Ancistrus varieties
Basic BNP -- $10
Albino BNP -- $10
Blue Eye BNP -- $15
Calico -- $15
Green Dragon -- $18
Lemon Drop -- $12
Super Red -- $25
Other Loricarid
L075 Ancistomus sabaji -- $60 (3-4")
Snowball (LDA 33) -- $75 (2-3")
Gold Nugget (L018) -- $60 (2-3")
Gold Angelicus (L28) -- $60 (2-3")
Queen Arabesque (L260) -- $86 (2")
Small Spot (L262) -- $80 (2-3")
Gold Leopard (L172-a) -- $75 (3")
Grey Leporacanthicus (L264) -- $75 (2-3")
Pinstripe Panaque (L204) -- $45 (2-3")
Goldy Pleco (L14a) -- $90 (3")
Zebra Stripe Oto Cat -- $18
Sy. eupterus -- $8
Sy. flavitaeniatus (Yellowstripe) -- $35
Sy. lucipinnis -- $18 (Petricola)
Sy. multipunctatus -- $30 (Cuckoo)
Sy. vellifer -- $80
All Other Catfishes
Ageneiosus astronasus -- $40
Volta Girraffe Catfish -- $45
Banjo Cat -- $8
Indian Copper Cat -- $15
Hara filamentosa (Moth Cat) -- $8
Hara minuscula -- $5
Tanganyikan Black Cat -- $25
Please order at least the lot mimimum. If you want above the lot number, please divide for the unit price and add it on.
Black Phantom Tetra -- 12 for $36
Black Skirt Tetra -- 12 for $24
Bleeding Heart Tetra -- 12 for $36
Blue Diamond Tetra (Alestopetersius smykalai) -- 6 for $80
Diamond Tetra -- 12 for $36
Glowlight Tetra -- 12 for $24
Green Fire Tetra -- 12 for $40
Hatchet, Marble -- 12 for $40
Hatchet, Silver -- 12 for $45
Head & Tail Light Tetra -- 12 for $30
Napo Tetra (Moenkhausia naponis) -- $12 each
Penguin Tetra -- 12 for $36
Pristella Tetra -- 12 for $30
Red Phantom Tetra -- 12 for $36
Ruby Tetra -- 12 for $20 (No guarantee)
Serpae Tetra -- 12 for $30
Long Fin Serpae Tetra -- 12 for $45
Slender Tetra (Iguanodectes, WILD) -- $12 each
White Fin Tetra (HY 511) -- 12 for $45
Barred Pencilfish (N. espei, RARE) -- $20 each
Hockey Pencilfish (N. eques) -- 12 for $40
Dwarf Pencilfish (N. marginatus) -- 12 for $35
Coral Red Pencilfish (N. mortenthaleri) -- $16 each
Three Line Pencilfish (N. trifasciatus) 12 for $40
Please order at least the lot minimum. If you want more than the lot minimum, please divide to determine the unit price and add it on.
Fire Ring Danio -- 12 for $40
Leopard Danio -- 12 for $25
Glowlight Danio -- 6 for $30
Moustache Danio --6 for $50
Eye Spot Flying Hatchet -- 6 for $40
Orange Hatchet Chela -- 12 for $60
Boraras maculata -- 12 for $28
Boraras urophthalmoides -- 12 for $30
Brillant Rasbora -- 12 for $30
Golden Neon Rasbora (Kubotai) -- 12 for $50
Harlequin Rasbora -- 12 for $40
Narrow Wedge Rasbora -- 12 for $35
Neon Rasbora -- 12 for $60
Pork Chop Rasbora -- 12 for $40
Rummy Nose Rasbora -- 12 for $40
Barbs -- Cheap
Black Ruby Barb -- 6 for $30
Checker Barb -- 12 for $30
Cherry Barb -- 12 for $30
Drape Fin Barb -- 6 for $30
Eight Banded False Barb -- 6 for $35
Five Banded Barb (Pentazona) -- 6 for $30
Five Striped Barb (P. lineatus) -- 6 for $30
Foersch's Barb -- 6 for $50
Gold Barb -- 12 for $30
Narayan's Barb -- 6 for $55
Pyramid Barb -- 6 for $90
Red Line Barb (B. bimaculatus) -- 6 for $50
Red Lipstick Barb -- 6 for $25
Red Panda Barb -- 6 for $35
Rhombo Barb -- 6 for $35
Tiger Barb (WILD) -- 6 for $40
Barbs -- Expensive (Priced Each)
Arulius Barb --$18
Cute Face Barb (Systomus immaculatus) -- $20
Kuching Spanner Barb -- $12
Mascara Barb --$40
Rohan Barb -- $30
Rose Cheek Barb -- $10 each
Walker's Barb -- $12
Yellow Neon White Cloud -- 12 for $90
Vietnam White Cloud -- 12 for $45
Red Gill Violet Shark -- $15
Siamese Algae Eater -- $8
Reticulated/Fishnet Flying Fox -- $7
Australian Hardyhead -- $40
Boesemani Rainbow --$15
Celebes Rainbow -- $12
Desert Rainbow -- $30
Goyder River Rainbow -- $10
Neon Dwarf Rainbow --$8
Madagascar Rainbow --$8
Ogilby's Rainbow -- $30
Parva Rainbow -- $9
Port Moresby Rainbow -- $12
Red Fin Dwarf Rainbow -- $12
Rosy Rainbow -- $40
Thread Fin Rainbow -- $8
Yellow Rainbow -- $18
Furcata Rainbow -- $7
Irian Red Neon Rainbow --$15
Ivantsoff's Rainbow -- $15
Signifer Rainbow -- $12
Foersheicthys flavipinnis 12 for $40
Oryzias dancena -- 12 for $40
Aphyosemion bivittatum Lagos Red -- $25 PAIR
Chocolate Australe Killi -- $18 PAIR
Gold Australe Killi -- $18 PAIR
Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus -- $30 PAIR
Austrolebias nigripinnis -- $30 PAIR
Nothobranchius rachovii -- $30 PAIR
Aphyosemion striatum -- $28 PAIR
Aphyosemion splendopleure -- $25 PAIR
Borneo Sucker Loach -- $8
Southern Borneo Sucker Loach -$10
Danang Butterfly Loach -- $12
Dwarf Chain Loach -- $15
Kangaroo Loach (Sinilabeo cf. borneensis) -- $8
Polka Dot Loach (Schistura corica) -- $8
Reticulated Hillstream Loach (Sewellia lineolata) -- $14
Spotted Hillstream Loach (SEW01) -- $12
Vietnam Red Tail Loach (Schistura mahnerti) -- $8
All Others
Macrognathus lineatomaculatus -- $18
Tetraodon baileyi -- $100
Pea Puffers -- 12 for $40
Australian Empire Gudgeon -- $20
Blue Cobalt Goby -- $15
Bump Head Goby -- $8
Elegant Goby -- $15
Rhinogobius zhoui -- $40
The day after the PVAS meeting is our friends in Lancaster County's big Fall Auction. As such, I'm bringing in a HUGE shipment of fish for pre-orders, as well as the additional stuff that is currently in stock and available (http://www.batfishaquatics.com/freshwater.php).
If you haven't done a pre-order before, here's how it works. You have until WEDNESDAY at 4 PM to e-mail BatfishAquatics@gmail.com with a list of what you want, and send a paypal to the same address for 50% of the price of the fish. They will be available for pickup at the PVAS November Meeting, the ACLC Fall Auction, the November CCA meeting, or by other arrangement at the Batfish Warehouse. We can also ship (but PLEASE ask about shipping costs first!) Please note that the following is our PRE-ORDER ONLY list. These fish are not currently in stock, but will be arriving Thursday. To see our in-stock list, please visit the Batfish Aquatic's webpage. You do not need to pre-order fish in stock.
In the event the fish you pre-order do not come in or not in acceptable condition, you get a complete refund.
New World Dwarf Cichlids
Acarichthys heckelii (Thread Fin Acara) WILD - $25 (2-3")
Apistos -- please note that the prices are per each. If you want a pair, order 2. Sex is not guaranteed, but usually not a problem.
Apisto. aggie "Double Red" -- $20 each
Apisto. netz "Tefe Blue Pearl" -- $25 each
Apisto. bitaeniatua WILD -- $12 each
Apisto. borelli -- $15 each
Apisto. cacatuoides "Orange Flash" -- $18 each
Apisto. cacatuoides "Super Red" -- $19 each
Apisto. hongsloi -- $30 each
Apisto. nijsseni -- $20 each
Apisto. panduro -- $20 each
Apisto. algadon-2 -- $40 each
Apisto. trifasciata -- $18 each
Apisto. viejita -- $22 each
Dicrossus filamentosus -- $7 each
New World Cichlids
Blue Acara -- $6
Green Terror -- $7
Wild Angelfish (XLG, Peru) -- $45
Wild Angelfish (Lg. Brazil) -- $35
Wild Angel (Lg, Colombia) -- $35
Amphilophus sp. "Red Isletas" -- $15
Amphilophus trimaculatus -- $8
Caqietaoa umbriferum -- $15
Cryptoheros nanoluteus -- $12
Crypt. panamense -- $10
Geophagus abalios (WILD) -- $12
Geo. crassilabrus (VERY UNCOMMON) -- $35
Geo. steindachneri -- $10 (Red Hump)
Geo. "Tapajos Red Head) -- $15
Gymno. balzani -- $9
Gymno. sp. "Neon" -- $10
Gymno. gymnogenys "Yerbolito" -- $10
Gymno. meridionalis -- $12
Herichthys bartoni -- $10
Herichthys tamasopoensis -- $10
Parachromis dovii (Wolf Cichlid) -- $8
Parachromis managuense (Jaguar) -- $8
Satanoperca daemon WILD -- $18
Thorichthys pasiones -- $10
Electric Blue Dempsey -- $25
Platinum Dempsey -- $40
Aulonocara baenschi (F1, 1") -- $8
A. sp. "Chitande Type Nkhomo" (F1, 1") -- $8
A. gertrudae "Jumbo Blue" (F1, 1") -- $9
A. hansbaenschi "Red Shoulder" (F1, 1-2") -- $8
A. sp. "Maleri Island" (F1, 1") -- $9
A. sp. "Usisya" "Flavesant" (F1, 1") -- $8
A. sp. "Lemon Jake" (WILD PAIR) -- $125
A. sp. "Lwanda Red Top" (WILD PAIR) -- $125
Aristochromis christyi -- $10
Cynotilapia afra -- $8
Cynotilapia hara -- $8
Cynotilapia "Jalo Reef" -- $8
Cynotilpia "Lion's Cove" -- $8
Lab. hongi -- $9
Lab. perlmutt -- $12
Placidochromis "Blue Otter" -- $10
Placidochromis electra -- $9
Sciaenochromis fryeri -- $15
Altolamp. calvus black -- $20
Frontosa -- $25
Juli. ornatus -- $15
Juli transcriptus -- $15
Neo. brevis "Katabe" -- $15
Neo. brevis "Sunspot" -- $12
Neo. leleupi -- $12
West African, Riverine Species
Gobiocichla ethelwynnae -- $35
Pv. pulcher Yellow -- $10
Pv. roloffi -- $50 PAIR
Pv. signatus -- $55 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Bipindi -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Kienke -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Lokundje -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Makoure -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Nyete -- $50 PAIR
Pv. taeniatus Wouri-- $50 PAIR
Ancistrus varieties
Basic BNP -- $10
Albino BNP -- $10
Blue Eye BNP -- $15
Calico -- $15
Green Dragon -- $18
Lemon Drop -- $12
Super Red -- $25
Other Loricarid
L075 Ancistomus sabaji -- $60 (3-4")
Snowball (LDA 33) -- $75 (2-3")
Gold Nugget (L018) -- $60 (2-3")
Gold Angelicus (L28) -- $60 (2-3")
Queen Arabesque (L260) -- $86 (2")
Small Spot (L262) -- $80 (2-3")
Gold Leopard (L172-a) -- $75 (3")
Grey Leporacanthicus (L264) -- $75 (2-3")
Pinstripe Panaque (L204) -- $45 (2-3")
Goldy Pleco (L14a) -- $90 (3")
Zebra Stripe Oto Cat -- $18
Sy. eupterus -- $8
Sy. flavitaeniatus (Yellowstripe) -- $35
Sy. lucipinnis -- $18 (Petricola)
Sy. multipunctatus -- $30 (Cuckoo)
Sy. vellifer -- $80
All Other Catfishes
Ageneiosus astronasus -- $40
Volta Girraffe Catfish -- $45
Banjo Cat -- $8
Indian Copper Cat -- $15
Hara filamentosa (Moth Cat) -- $8
Hara minuscula -- $5
Tanganyikan Black Cat -- $25
Please order at least the lot mimimum. If you want above the lot number, please divide for the unit price and add it on.
Black Phantom Tetra -- 12 for $36
Black Skirt Tetra -- 12 for $24
Bleeding Heart Tetra -- 12 for $36
Blue Diamond Tetra (Alestopetersius smykalai) -- 6 for $80
Diamond Tetra -- 12 for $36
Glowlight Tetra -- 12 for $24
Green Fire Tetra -- 12 for $40
Hatchet, Marble -- 12 for $40
Hatchet, Silver -- 12 for $45
Head & Tail Light Tetra -- 12 for $30
Napo Tetra (Moenkhausia naponis) -- $12 each
Penguin Tetra -- 12 for $36
Pristella Tetra -- 12 for $30
Red Phantom Tetra -- 12 for $36
Ruby Tetra -- 12 for $20 (No guarantee)
Serpae Tetra -- 12 for $30
Long Fin Serpae Tetra -- 12 for $45
Slender Tetra (Iguanodectes, WILD) -- $12 each
White Fin Tetra (HY 511) -- 12 for $45
Barred Pencilfish (N. espei, RARE) -- $20 each
Hockey Pencilfish (N. eques) -- 12 for $40
Dwarf Pencilfish (N. marginatus) -- 12 for $35
Coral Red Pencilfish (N. mortenthaleri) -- $16 each
Three Line Pencilfish (N. trifasciatus) 12 for $40
Please order at least the lot minimum. If you want more than the lot minimum, please divide to determine the unit price and add it on.
Fire Ring Danio -- 12 for $40
Leopard Danio -- 12 for $25
Glowlight Danio -- 6 for $30
Moustache Danio --6 for $50
Eye Spot Flying Hatchet -- 6 for $40
Orange Hatchet Chela -- 12 for $60
Boraras maculata -- 12 for $28
Boraras urophthalmoides -- 12 for $30
Brillant Rasbora -- 12 for $30
Golden Neon Rasbora (Kubotai) -- 12 for $50
Harlequin Rasbora -- 12 for $40
Narrow Wedge Rasbora -- 12 for $35
Neon Rasbora -- 12 for $60
Pork Chop Rasbora -- 12 for $40
Rummy Nose Rasbora -- 12 for $40
Barbs -- Cheap
Black Ruby Barb -- 6 for $30
Checker Barb -- 12 for $30
Cherry Barb -- 12 for $30
Drape Fin Barb -- 6 for $30
Eight Banded False Barb -- 6 for $35
Five Banded Barb (Pentazona) -- 6 for $30
Five Striped Barb (P. lineatus) -- 6 for $30
Foersch's Barb -- 6 for $50
Gold Barb -- 12 for $30
Narayan's Barb -- 6 for $55
Pyramid Barb -- 6 for $90
Red Line Barb (B. bimaculatus) -- 6 for $50
Red Lipstick Barb -- 6 for $25
Red Panda Barb -- 6 for $35
Rhombo Barb -- 6 for $35
Tiger Barb (WILD) -- 6 for $40
Barbs -- Expensive (Priced Each)
Arulius Barb --$18
Cute Face Barb (Systomus immaculatus) -- $20
Kuching Spanner Barb -- $12
Mascara Barb --$40
Rohan Barb -- $30
Rose Cheek Barb -- $10 each
Walker's Barb -- $12
Yellow Neon White Cloud -- 12 for $90
Vietnam White Cloud -- 12 for $45
Red Gill Violet Shark -- $15
Siamese Algae Eater -- $8
Reticulated/Fishnet Flying Fox -- $7
Australian Hardyhead -- $40
Boesemani Rainbow --$15
Celebes Rainbow -- $12
Desert Rainbow -- $30
Goyder River Rainbow -- $10
Neon Dwarf Rainbow --$8
Madagascar Rainbow --$8
Ogilby's Rainbow -- $30
Parva Rainbow -- $9
Port Moresby Rainbow -- $12
Red Fin Dwarf Rainbow -- $12
Rosy Rainbow -- $40
Thread Fin Rainbow -- $8
Yellow Rainbow -- $18
Furcata Rainbow -- $7
Irian Red Neon Rainbow --$15
Ivantsoff's Rainbow -- $15
Signifer Rainbow -- $12
Foersheicthys flavipinnis 12 for $40
Oryzias dancena -- 12 for $40
Aphyosemion bivittatum Lagos Red -- $25 PAIR
Chocolate Australe Killi -- $18 PAIR
Gold Australe Killi -- $18 PAIR
Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus -- $30 PAIR
Austrolebias nigripinnis -- $30 PAIR
Nothobranchius rachovii -- $30 PAIR
Aphyosemion striatum -- $28 PAIR
Aphyosemion splendopleure -- $25 PAIR
Borneo Sucker Loach -- $8
Southern Borneo Sucker Loach -$10
Danang Butterfly Loach -- $12
Dwarf Chain Loach -- $15
Kangaroo Loach (Sinilabeo cf. borneensis) -- $8
Polka Dot Loach (Schistura corica) -- $8
Reticulated Hillstream Loach (Sewellia lineolata) -- $14
Spotted Hillstream Loach (SEW01) -- $12
Vietnam Red Tail Loach (Schistura mahnerti) -- $8
All Others
Macrognathus lineatomaculatus -- $18
Tetraodon baileyi -- $100
Pea Puffers -- 12 for $40
Australian Empire Gudgeon -- $20
Blue Cobalt Goby -- $15
Bump Head Goby -- $8
Elegant Goby -- $15
Rhinogobius zhoui -- $40