Holding Demasoni


I just got this from Frank yesterday. Right when i put her in the tank she dropped a fry and noticed she's holding more. A yellow lab swooped in right away to pick it off. What should I do with her? Let her keep it til she releases and let them get eaten or should i strip her? Shes in with 25 others in the tank



If you want to save the fry, you should strip her. Especially if the fry are already full grown.

If you let her spit in thetank, the fry don't stand a chance


What I have read is you should let them spit naturally the first time to avoid issues later. I moved my yellow labs to a marina hang on breeder and move her out when she's done.

Course, I just had a few fry die, so I may be an idiot. But not having to set up another tank was nice


Yeah, i just don't know what I'll do with the fry. I don't really have anywhere to keep them. I thought once she spits them out they will big enough and they'll be ok and not get eaten but i guess I'm mistaken. Its looking like it won't be a happy ending for the little one:/


CCA Members
I'd let the female spit her fry in the tank, if you've got nowhere to raise fry.

The bigger issue is what to do going forward: in a mixed mbuna tank, as it appears you have, you're going to have plenty of spawning and holding females. But the fry will be most likely fathered by whatever fish is the most dominant in the tank (i.e. hybrids).
