Hi from Laurel!


Hello CCA! My name is Thomas and I love cichlids! I have been keeping cichlids for the past 4 years and have had aquariums for the past 10. I live in North Laurel. I currently have a 220 gallon tank CA cichlid mixed community tank. I also have a 40 gallon with an Angelfish, and an assortment of guppies, tetras, and minnows. In addition to those tanks I have a 15 gallon, and 2 29 gallons ready for new additions. I also have several turtle tanks. I have 2 red ear sliders, 2 african mud turtles, 1 musk turtle, and a river cooter.


Past CCA President
Welcome to the forum. You should come check out the January meeting, just down the road from you in Silver Spring.

Got any pictures of your tanks?