Hi Am Newbie

:blush: I live pa and there are nothing but franchise pet store so I don't know all my cichlids. I have drove to pittsburgh and went to oddballs and they were a great help. He told me too get online and start posting pics and I would find out what they all are. I also bought a book called "guide to cichlids". It is ok but i can't find all my cichlids... Please email me if you can help me at hailey417@adelphia.net

:D Thank You,



Welcome to the Forum Michelle. If you haven't already, you can check out the Cichlid Forum. Look under the profiles section and try to look for photos that look like your fish. If you have photos, post them on this forum and we can try to help you identify them.


Welcome Michelle! Do you know from which continent your fish come from? Are they African, West African, Central American or South American? What were the names given on the tanks from the store you bought them from?
