Help finding two past posts


I'm coming up with a nothing when searching:

1. There was a recent post with the actual dimensions for Aqueon Versahoods and Marineland glass canopies. I can't find that post and Marineland no longer gives actual dimensions on the website.

2. There was also a recent post for used prices of nearly everything. Likewise I can't find that now.

Need some help locating those.

Thank you.


CCA Members
I'm coming up with a nothing when searching:

1. There was a recent post with the actual dimensions for Aqueon Versahoods and Marineland glass canopies. I can't find that post and Marineland no longer gives actual dimensions on the website.

I think this was over on the PVAS forum.

2. There was also a recent post for used prices of nearly everything. Likewise I can't find that now.

I think the "CL Used Aquarium Pricing Guide" was mentioned on this forum, but it is definitely on AquariaCentral.

While I don't know it is 100% in its recommendations, I think it provides a lot better starting points for pricing than looking CL asking prices :)