Hello From Kansas City, MO!


Hello East Coast World! My name is Clint. I currently reside in Kansas City, MO. I was contacted by another member here about shipping some fish that I had, we have a large community in MO and a website KCfishclub.org, just thought that I would drop in and say hi and help expand the hobby of fish keeping...

Just a little about myself.... I currently am running about 13 tanks both Fresh and Saltwater ranging from 150 gallons to 29 gallons. I've been fishkeeping and breeding for about 15 years, and am excited to be on here to have the possibility of grabbing some of the awesome live stock up on the east coast.

Some of my favorite fish are: Datnoids, Arowanas, Fronts, Marine Bettas, Tangs, FH and SRT's...

Hope to chat with you soon.



we have a couple stores that carry dats on the regular and lots of people have them including our very own reeladdiction or chris :)