Heckelii update


Past CCA President
How are they aggression-wise with one another? The few times I kept them, once they reached almost adult size, they were pretty terrible to one another.

Jim Anderson

CCA Members
Wow, they look great!The albino is real nice looking as well as the Congo tetras. The tank set up is very nice also- great water clarity and pics. Thanks for sharing-enjoy.


Past President
Fish are looking great! Like the scape of the tank too, but was also surprised to see gravel as the substrate. What size tank?

I recently picked up some juvenile heckelii, so I'm excited to see their growth and color development also.


CCA Members
Lovely! Is that gravel as substrate..?

the substrate is sand and fine gravel. They sift just fine. As always the sand settles under the gravel. I collected myself from the Monocacy. Sifted to a uniform small size. Then I selectively added Lima bean and pea sized pieces. It was fun. Labor intensive, but fun.

you can see the sand mix in this diffrent angle pics.

DiscusnAfricans DiscusnAfricans




CCA Members
How are they aggression-wise with one another? The few times I kept them, once they reached almost adult size, they were pretty terrible to one another.

as of now they are fine. I have lots of dithers to keep them busy, as well as, plenty of areas within the aquascaping for them to lurk.
If they start in the spawning mod, all bets are off for all others in the tank, to include dithers and the mating pair as well. They get VERY brutal.