Happy Rostratum


I ended up moving the 6 rostratus i was trying to sell from a 75g into my 300g and i must say they seem to be a lot happier. In the 75 they just hid now they're out n about. My only problem is they make my tank look a tad cramped(call me crazy). Tankmates include:

4 Astatheros Nourisatti
3 Wild Astatheros Rostratus
3 Wild Astatheros Longimanus
4 F1 HRP

Here's a vid i took for you guys last night. Enjoy



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
That really is a seriously nice looking tank, Zach.

The way you have your rocks and wood make it look quite natural looking. :)

What's in your substrate?


CCA Members
Grow those 15 Ilyodon out a bit and add them. They'll provide some action near the surface...



CCA Members
I can't wait to see it.

I had a group of Ilyodon in a giant (300+g) African cichlid tank back in Sacramento. The Ilyodon grew to over 5" and took over the top of the tank... until the Nimbochromis got big enough to eat them.

If anything, the goodieds will force the cichlids out of hiding to get food (before they eat it all)...


That's the plan. I was looking at the tank last night and thought they'd be perfect in there.