Thank you guys!!!
Since I am a member of the Illuminati, I had to travel to the Vatican and to do some covert stuff and see if El Bendicto was doing his job correctly, otherwise we would have to WACK HIM! Ya know!!!
That is why I have been absent in my position here at the CCA. Right now, I am in the French Riviera(Monaco) enjoying a Martini with the old James Bond (Roger Moore) who is a resident of the city here. I am sitting on a yacht enjoying the Caviar and the
ambiance!!! AHH the luxery of being a secret spy for the Capital Cichlid Association. Someone has to do the dirty work ya know!!! DON'T HATE ME OK! The mad scientist (Paul) has been developing some super hi-tech guns for me to use while on vacation in beautiful Monaco and it has helped. Ahhhhhhhh the water is gorgeous....
LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxooooxxxooo from Monaco0000000000000777777777777777
This is where I am suppose to disappear, but it's not working. Oh well, Ya guys know that I'm addicted to Cichlids. Hopefully I make it back safely from Europe for March's meeting. Ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ciao Baby@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way... I was born approximately at 11:35pm this very night. OHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAA!
It's good to be alive.))))))))))