Happy Birthday Becca!


Thanks, guys and gals!

So far, it's been a productive (and counter productive) one. I broke my fancy cake plate while putting dishes away (dishes are away, minus cake plate), discovered my vacuum needs a new HEPA filter (new filter ordered, vacuuming will have to wait), and got a nice big water change done on the 150 (which I nearly overflowed while distracted by the fire place).

I think it might be time to just sit down and watch some fish.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Happy happy!!!!

Sorry about the cake plate. But in all honesty, "almost overflowing" a tank is something that we all do every time we change water, lol.... so consider that part to have gone to plan. :p



Happy Birthday!!
Did you get anything good?

I got 2 chairs (so now if I host more than 2 dinner guests it's not a BYOC event) and some little fold down table things at Ikea that will give me more work space in the kitchen/preserve my sanity. Better yet, my dad put everything together ;).

I also got a subscription to a "fruit club" and the first month was tangerines - yum! Plus, my husband brought home some cookies from the DC cookie truck, you know, to balance out the tangerines.

I'm picking up some great fish at the meeting today.

The very best of it was that I got to spend my birthday with my family.


potamotrygon fan
Sounds like you had a fun birthday (minus the cake tray braking).
I was lucky enough to have my 12th birthday the same day as the september meeting :D