Group of Bearded Corys for sale


hey everyone. so i got me some gorgeous Beardeds from JT about a year ago at one of the meetings of PVAS. These fish have done great in my tanks! active, interesting, pretty!! unfortunately as they matured i realized how big these get..furthermore they require a different kind of setting as they come from cold water region and i can not provide A a big enough tank and B a cold enough emvironment. supposely in a warmer set up they do well but shortens the lifespan.. here is more info in them: ... cle_id=106

i am asking $40 for the adult group. questions? send me a msg. thanks

i have a few other photos but i need to upload them at some point..i cant text if interested.. at least two large males in the group =)

P9180004 (800x594).jpg

P9180005 (800x687).jpg


I'll bite

How many are in the group? Confused me for a moment - they're Scleromystax, yes? And that's a dead link.


How many are in the group? Confused me for a moment - they're Scleromystax, yes? And that's a dead link.

sorry about the link, try this:

is something that Frank C. showed me when i was asking advice and suggestions to decide wheter to keep them or not due to what i had heard in the past and which turned out to be true .. about the temp and all that
and it is 5 of them, thanks Sam, let me know what you decide


I'm there

Next meeting, yes? Let me know if you are needful or desirous of something other than currency, something fishy that is.


Next meeting, yes? Let me know if you are needful or desirous of something other than currency, something fishy that is.

Sam, are you coming to the all day auction of PVAS? if not shame on you! the reason i do not make most meetings anymore is work on most saturdays...:( perhaps someone that lives really close to you can get them?


Ye of little faith

Shame? Me? Pretty funny....

Haven't missed a PVAS auction in years. See you there?


Awkward question

Split them with you, Sam?


Depends on how many of mine yet survive and what I can accomplish elsewhere - am negotiating with someone else for more of these with a mind to accommodate one Prince Andrew and establish an extended spawning group, would aim to include you in that if you tell me how many you actually want, if you're willing to grow out juveniles and your budget. Use PM.