Greg Steeves at ACLC this Saturday!


Lake Victoria Haplochromine Cichlids - by Greg Steeves

Saturday March 15th @ 1:00 PM at That Fish Place in Lancaster PA

More information go to our website at

Long time cichlid enthusiast Greg Steeves is perhaps best known for his writings on the haplochromine species of Africa. His interest in aquatics began early, living on the east coast of Canada along the Atlantic Ocean. His attention to Lake Victoria began in the early 90s when Idi Amin was terrorizing the citizens of Uganda. At this time he fell into a collection of cichlids from Lake Victoria thus finding a focal point in aquatics.
In 2002 Greg moved to Texas where he resides with his wife Lee Ann, and children Karli, Stuart and Erin. He maintains a small breeding operation focused on haplochromine cichlids. Fish produced in his breeding room can be seen at public aquariums and hobbyists fish rooms around the world. He has written many articles on a variety of topics generally centered on the fauna of Lake Victoria. He has initiated the LVP (Lake Victoria Project) in his home club ( ), and is Lake Victoria species coordinator in the CARES program. Greg is a fellow and contributor to the Cichlid Room Companion.
Together with his friends Anton Lamboj and Dave Hansen, Greg has written the first in a series of books exploring the various African cichlid clads entitled The Cichlids of Africa. The second in the series Haplochromines is due out in 2014.
When not playing in his fishroom, you can find Greg and Lee Ann attending cichlid shows and conventions or snorkeling, fish collecting and shooting video footage in some waterway. Cichlids have become a big part of Gregs life.


Wish I could go, especially since I think the fish I just got from Dave's Rare Fish are actually from Greg.

However, I will be heading out of town on the trip I postponed so I could go to AM2.

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Past CCA President
I wish I could make it up.

Kurt - how long do meeting usually run? I've got my daughters' softball practice until around 12:30 then could make the 90 minute drive to TPP.


Folks - Our meetings start about 1 and the speaker gets going around 1:20. usually our meetings are over about 4-4:30. I am getting ready to go to the airport to pick Greg up. I hope to see a few of you there.