Greetings from South Carolina


Past President
Been lurking on the forum to keep up with content, but haven't posted much in the past few months.

Settling in down here in Summerville, South Carolina. Just getting around to setting up a few tanks, but the two I currently have are both still empty. Will post pictures once set up.

Haven't found a truly local club, a few of them have in-person meetings, but the closest I've found so far are 2+ hours away. This area also seems to heavily favor saltwater over freshwater groups.

Might try to get to the JRAS Spring Fling, but planning to attend the PVAS Spring Auction. Will keep an eye on CCA events.

There is a big convention in Raleigh NC in a few weeks; reminds me of a BFD type event, but covers marine, freshwater and reptile areas, might try to attend part of it. Also conventions happening in Charlotte NC, but some are exclusively marine.

Currently have a 120 I'm setting up with a few canister filters as my first 'display' tank, also have a 25g Fluval Accent that will be a QT/growout/hospital tank as needed. Eventually planning to get a 210 or something in that range. Not sure when I'll be expanding beyond that, but at least one more large tank before potentially building out a small fish room in the garage.

Wish I could've attended the meetings, but hope to see people in the future. Wish everyone the best of luck and I'll add some pictures soon, and post some video from some recent diving.


I was actually wondering how your move went earlier today as I poured the last of the aquarium salt you gave me into my "brine shrimp blender." Glad to hear all is well!