Greetings from Prince George's County


Glad to find a fishkeeping group based in the DC area!

I just got back into fishkeeping, after a long hiatus, and have a 40 gal breeder planted tank set up for the past 3 months now.

Looking to just learn more about how the hobby has developed and hang with other fishkeepers :)


Thanks for the welcome, everyone!
Currently, in the 40b, I have myrio, Amazon sword, Italian Val, Java fern, Java moss, baby tears (not HC, regular baby tears HM), and dwarf hair grass. For fish, I have zebra danios, plates, peppered cories, and Amani shrimps.

I would like that my last addition will be a pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides. But I'm going to let the tank rest until late summer before I made any new additions.


Board of Directors
Sounds like a fun and lively tank. The pair of cacatuoides will be nice. When it's time to get the apistos, The Cichlid Garden, who I found out about at the BFD has a lot of nice looking apistos: It's kind of his thing. He love apisto and you can tell.