Greetings, fish heads!

This is Don in Virginia, just joined. I'm also Don in Virginia on Simply Discus, and the REASON I came over here is: I'm in the need for some tankmates for my discus, and I would much rather purchase from CCA members than from LFS.

Nobody over at Simply seems to have much for sale right now, so I thought I'd ask here for possible sellers of discus-friendly and 84 degree F friendly fish. Rummy nose, rams, corys, and such.

Any suggestions? Many thanks! -Don



84° is too warm for Corydoras as is in fatal - I keep Steatocranus and bumblebee cats and A. heckelii with mine at 80°. Don't have anything that really fits that temperature range other than Hemichromis guttatus but am sure others will present options. You keep anything besides discus?
Just a couple plecos, but as I am woefully ignorant of all fish names other than discus, I can't tell you what they are! I used to keep rams and rummy nose, and cardinal tetras with my discus, no problem. I'm pretty sure I had some cory's, too, maybe they were temp-resistant . . .


Past CCA President
Welcome to the forum. Check with Frank Cowherd on the rams. He is breeding both the regular and blue color variants.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
So who actually has successfully kept/is keeping C. sterbai at 84°?

I do like that Andrew has a group of 18 - that's the way to do it.

Yes, I kept Sterbai with my discus for about 2years+/- Kept the tank at 84-85
I got rid of the discus and changed to angels and tetras.
Then they were in the Angel tank for a couple years at 77F.
Got rid of most of them. There were a few I could not catch. T
hey now are still in that tank but with Malawi grow outs.


Well alright then

Good to have confirmation - something else must have done my in, they just went slowly downhill from the very beginning. Should've got some of Mistah Cowherd's.