Greetings And Well Met


I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself, now that the night guard has granted me access to the city. I was thinking the forum looked a bit thin at first glance. Once through the gates however, it's opened up nicely. ;)
My name is Tim Nurse, I'm a lifetime ACA member and member of the New England Cichlid Association. I've been keeping cichlids for about seven years now, but can't really count the past year. I have three tanks currently set up, but they're in my brother's basement while I'm building our new house.
The good news is, in the new house, the basement is all mine for my obsession with the hobby. I'll post my initial ideas in the DIY section of the site.


Welcome Tim !!!!

I can't wait to finally meet you in June.... ( I thought I was going to have to drive up for one of the fishaholics parties :) )


I can't wait to finally meet you in June.... ( I thought I was going to have to drive up for one of the fishaholics parties :) )[/b]

My coming down in June is not an excuse to skip out on the Fishaholics picnic this year. ;)
I just picked up a bunch of fishtanks, and I believe you have X. spilopterus fry you want to bring me anyways. :D


Darn it ! I thought I would get out of the 8 hour drive :smashfreakB: :p

I'm actually selling the Xeno breeders .... want to try another sifter.

I thought it was the Callochromis you wanted? The ones that originally came from Julie? I just pulled some itty bitty fry :)


Darn it ! I thought I would get out of the 8 hour drive :smashfreakB: :p

I'm actually selling the Xeno breeders .... want to try another sifter.

I thought it was the Callochromis you wanted? The ones that originally came from Julie? I just pulled some itty bitty fry :)[/b]

The drive is only 7 hours. That was from Joe's house.
If you're further north, it'd be even shorter. ;) I'm diversifying from the Tanganyikans, so with what I have, plus with the Tropheus I have on hold, I don't know how many more tanks I'll be dedicating to them. I do want to do a species of featherfin too. So many fish... I am interested in X. sp "Papilio sunflower" from the Kasanga area. (Kambwimba, Kantalamba) or any variant with similar colorations in the dorsal.


lol... "only" 7 hours :wacko:

Try combining the sifters and feather fins. I didn't think this would work out too well... but it's working for me right now. Just pick wisely .... and use a 6 foot or longer tank. Use a hardy sifter.. like kilesa or callochromis.

I'm trying to decide which sifter I want at the moment.... I'm leaning towards Xenos again... as they are just so gracefull ! Nothing compairs to them IMO. I would LOVE to try the pailio ... they are so darn expensive though ! And... all I ever see is wilds....makes me wonder if I'm really up for the challenge.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Come on Sarah, its only a little gas and time.
Mike and I are trying to decide on when we will drive up for a club meeting.

Will be this year, Just not sure when.

And no Mike, there will be no nominations. (inside joke from a PM)


If we do make the drive Pat it will be for the party :) I think we'll drive up with Julie if she goes again and split the gas.

Tim will you be planning the party around a meeting? Maybe we can get a bunch to go up that way.


There's no scheduled meetings yet for July or August, so maybe I'll plan a meeting for the club at my house as a meeting/Fishaholics picnic during one of those months. Some of the members of the NECA have already expressed an interest in having a meeting during the summer months.
Maybe I'll have my fishroom built by then. ;)


I'm looking foward to your talk, and would like to invite you to stop by to see my 60+ tanks of Tangs ( I cut down from 80) while you are in town.


Thanks for the invite. I'm staying at my Brother-in-Laws with the wife and kids, but I only have the meeting planned. The wife is planning activities with her brother. So, I'm free for anything the weekend timeframe allows. :D


My Brother-In-Law lives in Millersville, so according to Mapquest it's about 46 minutes away from the meeting. So, visiting fish rooms, or having dinner in the general area should be no problem. ;) If I visit fishrooms, I get to bring my camera. :D



I just ordered some wild Xeno sunflowers .... I can't wait to get these ! I'll let you know how it goes... hopfully I don't kill them all !

You are welcome to come over to my place as well if you want to check them out before you take the plunge... but I don't have near the tanks Dan it won't be all that exciting.


I hope you get the Xeno's breeding. I would love some wild fry. I'd love to stop by if time permits. We'll see how the schedule pans out.


Xenotilapia papillio Sunflower Isanga Bay are happily sifting sand in one of my tanks. All I could get was a reverse trio :wacko: That's all they had !

But on a good note... seems like I do have a pair in there.


CCA member
Hi Tim, It was helpful to get a sample smilie help from you. I'll use it for my brother's retirement party in CA June 29!

