Got 4 of tanks what do you think


Here are my tanks

75g (sand and driftwood)
6 angelfish
1 rainbow shark
2 blood parrot
1 pleco
1 fire eel (coming soon)

30g (gravel driftwood)
1 pearl gourami
5 red eye tetras
5 serpae tetras
4 rummynose tetras
2 black neon tetras

What do you think
I would appreciate comments on them also if you have an idea on where to get fire eels for not a bad price.

Thanks a lot.


I like the 30 gal with the species you have or will have. The 75, IMO, could do without the rainbow shark because it gets to be about six inches, is very aggressive and territorial and swims in the same strata as the angels. They also prefer fast moving water that the angels will not.

Now for the blood parrots...

The fire eel will get huge.

However, if you approach it from another view...skip the angels.
