Gold Killie


Does anyone want a really nice looking gold killie? It keeps nipping my guppies fins. Please let me know asap. I can take it to the meeting tomorrow.


What's the best way to transport fish to the meeting? Since we're only bringing the killie, will a small container work? I have some fish bags too.


I'll see if anyone from around here is going and get back to you.

Maybe a GWAPA person that will be coming to the ACLC/GWAPA joint meeting next week can bring it along?

Let me know. I'm new to the club, so I don't really know anyone. We'll take it with us tomorrow. If you send me a PM it will go to my phone.


What's the best way to transport fish to the meeting? Since we're only bringing the killie, will a small container work? I have some fish bags too.

Bag it. 1/3 water, 2/3 air from the atmosphere; do not blow in the bag. That's C02. Put enough water in the bag so that if the bag is layed on it's side the fish will still be completely covered.


I got that killie! I had a pair of Golden Wonder killies before, and everyone in the family loved them, so I was pleased to see one in the auction. He's very happy in a planted 20 high in our kitchen, and he won't be nipping anyone's fins (he's in with Odessa barbs and yoyo loaches).