Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
For sale Daphnia and other live food cultures plus NUMEROUS fish

Can deliver to the next CCA meeting Saturday May 10, 2014

Daphnia $5 a bag
Microworm culture in a sandwich box $5
Microworm starter is free to any member, just ask for the microworm starter.
Vinegar eel culture in a sandwich box $5, great food for rainbow fry or any really small fry.
GRINDAL WORM CULTURE in a food storage box, soil less version, $12. They are 3 inches tall, 7 inches wide, and 11 inches long.
Grindal worm starter, $5. Enough worms to start a new culture.
Paramecium, a quart of a going culture, $5 these are great for any really small fry like rainbows and annulatus.

MICROGEOPHAGUS RAMIREZI - Electric blue rams $22 a pair.

brochis splendins (The emerald green catfish) $5 each

CORYDORAS 'BLACK' schultzei, $10 each or 6 for $50
Corydoras panda $6 each
Corydoras paleatus $5 each or 5 for $20
Corydaras sterbai $8 each or 5 for $32
Large albino corys, $5 each, smaller ones for $4 each
Corydoras pygmaeous, pygmy cory catfish $6 each

Regular adult brown BN $12 a pair
Pretty spotted BN $7 each
L 144 blue eyed yellow ancistrus $7 each, OR $20 a pair
Red velvet swordtails $6 a pair
Red wag platys, $6 a pair

marble angelfish, $5 each, large, $3 each of quarter size
koi angelfish, $5 each, large, $3 each for half dollar size
silver angelfish $3 each for half dollar size
black angelfish $5 each for half dollar size, have both black lace and velvet black

FIREMOUTH cichlids, 6 for $20 young fish with good color
Pseudotropheus demasoni, a CARES fish, best kept in a large group, 12 one to two inch young, $50, adult males $7 each, adult females $9 each
Aulonocara stuartgranti "Ngara Flametail" young males showing great color: $15, young females $5 each.

WAPOGA LASER RED RAINBOWFISH: young fish(about 1/3rd of adult size) showing great color and spawning already $25 a pair.

All fish are home grown, tank raised.
Order in this thread, preferred, or PM me, please.


Frank, would it be possible to get two microworm starters?

My hubs cleaned the fridge while I was in Philly and threw out my back-up and, of course, while I was in Philly, the non-refrigerated one tanked.


Frank, I lost my grindal worm culture (my fault....it got overrun with mites).

Can I get 2 new starters? I've already got the sponges and boxes for them.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Flametail males

Here are a couple different male flametails. Not great pics. Took them in the tanks they are in and the tanks are in need of maintenance. The real difference in the fish is the lighting. Both ate 3+ inches as are the females.

male flametail 1.jpg

Male flametail 1 with female.jpg

Male flametail 2.jpg


I would like a Grindal worm culture. What do I need to keep them going? Pick up at next CCA meeting work?

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
I will provide my procedure for any culture you buy. I do need your email address to get it to you since the forum PM system does not support attachments. So for the grindal procedure, send me your email address and request the grindal procedure.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Its time to put daphnia outside. I put some out ten days ago into wadding pools and they are doing great. I m feeding a few pellets to them that I use to feed koi.


potamotrygon fan
How do you maintain the micro worm cultures? Im interested in one if they arent too hard to maintain.


Went to Frank's for the 2nd time in the last few weeks. First time, I got some red laser rainbows for my ray tank. This time, the firemouths... but they were for a very close friend of mine (and new forum member... and hopefully soon to be new club member... hint, hint) James "Lord Fauntleroy" Fauntleroy. When you go to Frank's, what do you get?

1. You get meet his awesome, super nice wife.

2. You get to see his impressive fish room... filled with many wonderous creatures!

3. You get to see one of the longest show tanks I've ever seen!

4. You'll get some awesome stories about some of his collection trips!

5. You will get what just might be THE most awesome view of the Potomac ever... right in his backyard!

6. If all of that was not enough... he threw in an extra firemouth... free!

Thanks, Frank. I don't know if anyone in this club represents Southern MD better than you... genuine great guy, I cannot say enough. Glad to know you, brother.


Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
OK I have recorded all orders above (below). You should have heard from me, so if not and you ordered something, let me know.