FS Tropheus and Demasoni


Hey Guys,

I have some nice tropheus and demasoni for sale.

Tropheus F1 Moorii Katoto 1.25" - 22 for $220.00, they are from my WC colony.

Tropheus F1 Moorii Golden Chisanze 3.5" 9 in the group $135. I raised them from 0.75" they came from a breeder in VA. Pix attached.

Tropheus Bulu Point/Ikola/Red Bishop 1.5" ~1.75" $180 16 in the group. I purchased this group as Bulu point, couple months ago from fomaquatics.com but when they arrived I noticed few Ikolas and 1 red bishop on the group. I'm selling for the same price I paid for it.

Demasoni 5 - 1.75", 1 - 1.25". $24 for all 6.

I feed them NLS, Dainichi Deluxe, YFS veggie pellets and Tropheus lovers flake.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I can delivery to the next meeting.





Thank you Carl, I love them but I'm downsizing to be able to afford future projects. They are about to start breeding ratio on the chisanze 1:1.


Hey Guys,

The katoto group is pending, the rest still available for sale and I can delivery to the meeting tomorrow.

Please feel free to contact me if you need pictures.



Hey Guys,

I still have the bulu, ikola, bemba and 1 redbishop group total of 14-16 fishes for $125, please see the video all the fishes on these group are above 1.75" with the exception of 1.
The f1 golden chinsanze 3.5" only have 7 left if someone is looking to add to their existing colony you can have all 7 for $100

Note: The demasoni groups isn't for sale.
Thank You