FS paralabidochromis chromogynos group


Sad to let these go but I need the room and I am not having luck getting them to breed. There are 2 Adult males and 4 Adult females that are ready to spawn. One of the females has held eggs before but never for longer then a week. These are a rare victorian that are on the ACA cares list as critically endangered. I was planing on breeding them and trying to spread them around the area but I am having no luck and would like to let someone else have a go at them. I would prefer to sell to someone that would put them in a species only tank for breeding. $80 for the group. Send me a pm with any questions.

dominant male

second male





Past President
That is a nice looking group. Naturally occurring piebald Victorian. What size minimum tank would you recommend? I'd grab them if I had an empty tank to throw them in.


Not sure I grew them out in a 29 gallon which they seemed happy in so I guess a 20L or a 29 would be fine for them. They are reasonably tough fish, the dominant male has his own territory in a 55 which is packed with some aggressive fish including nyererei and ob peacocks (really nasty fish).


New Member
I want to know if you still have them. if you do can you call me so we can talk i would like to get them from you my name is mickey 484-347-8508