
CCA Members
I am moving some fish around and need to free up some tank space. I can meet up or bring these to the September meeting.

4 adult 4"(+/-) Neolamprologus Leleupi (http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1613) There is definitely one pair that breeds regularly, much to the enjoyment of my Comps and Syno. That male is 5" or more. The extra two might be females. ($40)

3 adult 5" (+/-) Tropheus Duboisi (http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1865) These guys came from the ACA last July. They have a slight yellow tint in the band. I have not idea what sex they are, I thought I found fry once but couldn't catch them in time. ($45)

3 adult 4" (+/-) Cyprichromis Leptosoma 'Blue Orchid' 9http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=2167) Two have blue tails while the third has a yellow tail. Two are from an ECC member the other is from a CCA member. ($45)

1 trio, (1M, 2F) and 1 pair Lamprologus Brevis 'Kitumba'

They have really nice yellow-orange bellies and are breeding constantly. I have lots of fry available as well for $2 each. One pair as over taken a 10g. The Trio feeds the Comps. :D (trio $10)
(pair $5 the male has a wonky eye that doesn't seem to bother him or ability to procreate) Pair and Trio come with shells.

Thanks for looking.

Jim Anderson

CCA Members
interested in the Leps

Hi, i would be interested in the trio of leps. I live in Frederick MD. I am a new member andhave a female jumbo lep right now. Thanks, Jim

Jim Anderson

CCA Members

Hi, i forgot to give you my phone #. Please call me at 301-440-5839 and we can set up a meeting time and place. Thanks, Jim


CCA Members
Not to derail but if Shamu and Jim are interested in Tangs, our next speaker is coming to the Sept meeting from California to present on Tangs (Frontosa). He's kept and bred other Tangs as well, so please come and check it out!

Now back to selling fish,
Matt (who is tempted by the Leleupi)


I am interested in the duboises, but not sure if I can make to the meeting. When I find out for sure, I will let you know.


CCA Members

The Cyprichromis and Leleupi are spoken for. I'm waiting confirmation for the Brevis trio. I have a Brevis pair plus fry, and the three Duboisi available. Here are pictures, albeit crappy, of the remaining.


Brevis 'Kitumba' and Fry:

Duboisies: (Not sure why the stripe on the third is faint, non-existent? Female? The stripe on the others is much yellower than the picture.)
