FS: 75 Gallon set up


CCA Members
I'm selling this for a friend. It is a 75 gallon tank with glass lids and an 48" LED light. I will find out what kind of LED, but I think it is Aqueon. Same as the tank.

$100 for all.

Delivery to the Big Fish Deal this weekend.


Past President
Anyone interested in a tank to disassemble for glass or reseal for $50?

Not trying to hijack your thread Shawn, asking because I'd buy this setup if I can get rid of my tank.


CCA Members
Its no more than three years old. It is in really good shape. At least it was the last time I saw it in person.

The tank is an Aqueon and the LED is a Deep Blue Colormax HE

Wet Sleeves

CCA Members
Damn it!!!:cool: Missed out on this. If it falls through Im interested. DiscusnAfricans DiscusnAfricans whats wrong with your 75? why does it need to be taken completely apart?