
Pat Kelly

CCA Member
On the 2nd Saturday of August, a bunch of us are taking a road trip to FryBabies in PA.
Some people will car pool and others will just meet us up there. Right now, the plan is to meet at FryBabies at 11am.
The address is:
562 Ebelhare Road
Pottstown, Pa 19465

So if you are going and can take others with you. Lets start a discussion right here.

Where are you?

How many can you take?

Where to meet to pick people up?

Who needs a ride and from where?

Remember that she has a ton of fish in stock plus can get a lot more if you order it in advance.
See the latest list that Sarah posted in the Members Discussion area. This are the items she can order. Not what she has in stock. No list for that. Look it over and order. Please make sure you want the fish that you order. This in not a full time job for her and she is not open to the public. Just us because she likes Sarah. lol

I would like a list also, of who is going so I can make sure every one makes it.
I know Tracey and I, Francine, Bill and Sarah.
I hope we have a big turn out. Our last outing was only 6 of us. Not good.

I am looking over the list now and plan on purchasing a few things. Don't tell Tray.......

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
You can start a thread in the community section about that if you want to give more information on it.
It's allowed. You are one of our famous members after all. lol
I was one of the original members interested in doing the trip. In fact, I offered my van to carry some folks up. Since then, I have another commitment later that afternoon. So I will have to be back in Baltimore by aroun 4:00 pm. With that said, I am still interested in making the trip. However, I need the flexibility to leave at a time that will get me back to Baltimore promptly. I was thinking about leaving home early and be one of the early arrivals, and return early too. So, I'm sorry to back off of my original offer to carpool some folks. But it's my best friends surprise 60 birthday party that came up.


I'll be up there with Bill and his daughter Friday night and staying the whole weekend. So, I won't be able to carpool with anyone.

The directions on map quest are simple and correct.

Hope to see a lot of you up there.

Best friends b-days are a bit more important lol.... but the timing should work out fine Bobby. If you leave by 2:00 you should have plenty of time. That gives you 3 hours to play lol.


I was talking to Julie today, which just makes me want to join the trip to visit her even more. I can't drive because of the new pain medications I'm taking, for some reason my doctors and wife don't want me driving stuffed to the gills with narcotics, go figure :beamup: . Anyway I would really like to share a ride.


I was talking to Julie today, which just makes me want to join the trip to visit her even more. I can't drive because of the new pain medications I'm taking, for some reason my doctors and wife don't want me driving stuffed to the gills with narcotics, go figure :beamup: . Anyway I would really like to share a ride.

Love to help you out, but unfortunately I can't make the trip. Saturday is my annual rockfish charter on the Bay.


Tomorrow night is the last day to pre-order fish for the field trip. She has many more fish available (about 300 tanks worth) but this is what she can order in for us.

South America/West Africa Specials
Apistogramma borelli Blue 5.25
Apistogramma borelli Red Head 6.75
Apistogramma cacatuoides Orange Females 4.50
Apistogramma cacatuoides Sunburst 6.75
Apistogramma linkei 6.00
Apistogramma macmasteri Red Neck 7.50
Apistogramma sp. piexoto 11.25
Corydoras julii 1.88
Pleco Peckoltia Tiger L02 16.50
Pleco Queen Arabesque L260 16.50
Tetra Black Diamond 2.63
Tetra Ember Red Tail New 1.50
Tetra Red Crystal 4.50
Tetra Violet Tapajos 2.63
Lake Malawi
Assorted Malawi Mix 3-4" (Little color) 3.00
Assorted Wild Mbuna 3-4" (w/color) 9.75
Aulonocara flavescent Ussisya 3-4" Females 9.00
Aulonocara maisoni Chitimba Wild Females 13.50
Aulonocara maulana Bicolor Wild 18.00
Aulonocara sp. German Red 3-4" Females 9.00
Copadichromis borleyi Kandango Bright Red Fin 2.5-3" 7.50
Labidochromis sp. Hongi Red Top 3-3.5" 9.00
Mylochromis sp. laterstriga Makenjilia Wild 24.00
Nimbochromis venustus 3-4" 10.50
Protomelas Taiwan Reef 3-3.5" 15.00
Pseudotropheus Bumble Bee 4"+ 10.50
Pseudotropheus cobalt Red Top 3-4" 8.25
Pseudotropheus socoloffi 3.5-4" 8.25
Pseudotropheus sp. Flameback 3-4" 12.00
Pseudotropheus zebra Red Top Mpanga 3-4" 9.00

Lake Tanganyika
Altolamprologus calvus Black Zambian Wild 25.50
Altolamprologus calvus Ink Fin Zambian Wild 25.50
Altolamprologus calvus Yellow Wild 31.00
Altolamprologus calvus White Chaitika Wild 25.50
Altolamprologus compressiceps Orange Mwela Wild 25.50
Altolamprologus fasciatus 2" 6.00
Assorted Tanganyika Adults 14.25
Assorted Tanganyika Mix 1.5-2" 9.00
Bathybates ferox 65.00
Benthochromis tricoti Wild Medium 55.00
Callochromis macrops Chituta Bay Wild (1 pc) 18.00
Chalinochromis brichardi Wild 20.25
Cyphotilapia frontosa Nangu Neon Blue Wild Medium 46.00
Cyphotilapia frontosa Nangu Neon Blue Wild Large 60.00
Cyphotilapia frontosa Kavalla 3-4" 21.38
Cyprichromis pavo Chitua Bay Wild 18.00
Julidochromis regani Kipili 3-3.5" 15.75
Julidochromis marlieri Burundi Wild 3-3.5" 13.50
Lamprologus calliurus Wild 7.50
Lamprologus callipterus Wild 7.50
Neolamprologus buescheri Gombi Wild 31.00
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus Gold 2-2.5" 7.50
Opthalmotilapia boops Neon Streak Nkondwe Wild 40.00
Opthalmotilapia nasuta Chimba Tiger Wild 35.00
Opthalmotilapia nasuta Gold Ndole Bay Butter Ball Wild Males 35.00
Opthalmotilapia heterodonta Nyanza Lac 3.5-4" 35.00
Opthalmotilapia nasuta Gold Resha 3-4" 35.00
Opthalmotilapia ventralis Mpimbwe Wild 40.00
Opthalmotilapia ventralis Longola Sunflower Wild 40.00
Opthalmotilapia ventralis White Ghost Katoto Wild (1 pc) 40.00
Synodontis granulosus Wild 110.00
Synodontis multipunctatus Wild 17.25
Telmatochromis sp. Red Cheek New Rare 1.25"+ 2.63
Tropheus duboisi 3-4" (1M/2F ratio available) 15.00
Tropheus moorii Chiwena Red Wild 31.00
Tropheus moorii Katoto Raspberry Wild 24.00
Tropheus moorii Golden Kazumba Wild 29.25
Tropheus moorii Kasalakawe Wild 24.00
Tropheus moorii Moliro Wild 30.00
Tropheus sp. Bemba Flame 1.5-2" 10.50
Tropheus sp. Ikola Kaiser Wild Medium 24.00
Tropheus sp. Ikola Kaiser Wild Large 30.00
Tropheus sp. Kiriza Kaiser 1.5-2" 10.50
Xenotilapia ochregeny Burundi Wild 27.00
Xenotilapia kantalamba Wild 27.00

Aulonocara flavescent Ussisya 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Aulonocara hansbaenschi Regal 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Aulonocara maulana Bicolor 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Aulonocara Neon Violet 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Aulonocara sp. Benga Yellow 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Aulonocara sp. Ngara Flame Tail 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Copadichromis borleyi Kandango Red Fin 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Copadichromis mloto White Head Lupingu 1.5-2" 6.00 3.00 2.50
Haplochromis obliquedens 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Haplochromis obliquedens Zebra 1.5-2" 6.00 3.00 2.50
Melanochromis chipoka 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Melanochromis exasperatus 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Otopharynx lithobates Zimbawe Rocks Yellow Blaze 1.5-2" 8.00 6.00 4.00
Protomelas Taiwan Reef 1.5-2" 7.00 6.00 4.00
Pseudotropheus acei Luwala 1.5-2" 5.00 3.00 2.50
Pseudotropheus aurora Mozambique 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Pseudotropheus Bumblebee 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Pseudotropheus cobalt Red Top 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Pseudotropheus daktari 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Pseudotropheus sp. Flameback 1.5-2" 4.00 3.00 2.50

Altolamprologus calvus Black Zambian 1-1.25" 7.50 5.50 4.50
Altolamprologus calvus Ink Fin Zambian 1-1.25" 7.50 5.50 4.50
Altolamprologus calvus White Chaitika 1-1.25" 7.50 5.50 4.50
Cyphotilapia frontosa Kavala 1.25" 11.50 11.00 10.00
Julidochromis marlieri Burundi 1.25" 7.00 5.50 4.50
Julidochromis regani Zambian 1.25" 7.00 5.50 4.50
Julidochromis transcriptus Katoto 1.25" 7.00 5.50 4.50
Lamprologus brevis Katabe 1.25-1.5" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Lamprologus brevis Kavala 1-1.25" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Lamprologus brevis Zebra 1-1.25" 9.00 7.00 5.50
Lamprologus ocellatus Yellow Zambian 1.25-1.5" 4.00 3.00 2.50
Neolamprologus brichardi Albino 1.25" 7.00 6.50 4.00
Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Red Fin 1.25" 7.00 6.50 4.00
Neolamprologus crassus Moliro "Blue Fin" 1.25" 7.00 6.50 4.00
Neolamprologus cylindricus 1-1.25" 7.00 5.50 4.50
Neolamprologus helianthus Congo 1.25" 8.00 5.50 4.50
Neolamprologus leleupi 1-1.25" 7.00 5.50 4.50
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus Gold 1.25" 8.50 7.50 7.00
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus Gold 1.5-2" 12.00 11.00 10.00
Neolamprologus trtocephalus 1.25" 8.50 7.50 7.00
Variabilis moorii 1.25" 7.00 5.50 4.50

Ancistrus sp. Gold Albino 4.88
Angel Albino Small 3.75
Angel Assorted Medium 3.00
Angel Black Medium 3.75
Angel Dark Marble Medium 3.38
Angel Gold Marble Medium 3.75
Angel Koi Small 2.63
Angel Koi Medium 3.75
Angel Smokey Blusher Medium 3.75
Apistogramma viejta Males 10.50
Apistogramma viejita Gold 15.00
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi Females 7.50
Nanochromis transvestitus 13.50
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis Male 9.00
Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor 4.50
Rams Gold 6.00
Rasbora Gold Harlequin 3.00
Tateurndina ocellicauda Rainbow Goby 5.78
Nannacara taenia Tucurui Wild 3.00
Pleco Hopliancistrus tricornis Xingu L17 10.50
Pleco Hypancistrus sp. Zebra Type L318 22.50
Pleco Pseudacanthicus Scarlet L25 59.50
Tatia reticulata Red Leopard Cat 10.50

Aphyosemion ahli 6.75
Aphyosemion poliaki 5.25
Aphyosemion loenberghi 6.75
Barbus jae Sangmelima 4.13
Barbus sp. "Djoum" Rare 18.00
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis Moliwe 13.50
Kribia Kribensis Rare 7.50
Neolebias ansorgii 4.13
Parauchenoglanis balayi New Rare 45.00
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Lobe 9.00
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nyete 9.00
Procatopus aberans 4.50
Procatopus nototaenia "Kribi" 4.50
Procatopus similis Myuka Orange Fins 4.50
Procatopus similis "Moliwe Blue Fins" 4.50
Synodontis depauwi 20.25
Synodontis cf. pardalis Yellow New 55.00
Synodontis sp. Djoum New 22.50
Synodontis sp. Green Ntem New 38.50

Malawi Mix 1.5-2" Premium 2.48
Aulonocara chitende Mdoka 3-4" 22.50
Aulonocara chitende Mdoka 3-4" Females 9.00
Aulonocara flavescent Ussisya 3-4" 24.00
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Eureka Red Albino 1.25"+ 9.75
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Otter Point 3-4" 24.00
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Otter Point 3" Females 7.50
Aulonocara koningsi Mbenji 3.5-4" Males 24.00
Aulonocara koningsi Mbenji 3-3.5" Females 9.00
Aulonocara mamalela "Lemon Jake" 3-4" Females 12.00
Aulonocara maulana Bicolor 500 3-4" 22.50
Aulonocara maulana Bicolor 500 3-4" Females 9.00
Aulonocara Neon Violet Ungi 3-4" 24.00
Aulonocara Neon Violet Ungi 3-4" Females 9.00
Aulonocara Red Shoulder 3-4" 18.00
Aulonocara Red Shoulder 3-4" Females 9.00
Aulonocara Ruby Red 3-4" Female 18.00
Aulonocara sp. Benga Yellow 2.5-3" 13.13
Aulonocara sp. Lwanda Yellow Top 2.5-3" 12.00
Aulonocara sp. Ngara Flametail 3-4" Females 9.00
Copadichromis Mloto White Head Lupingu 3-3.5" 22.50
Copadichromis Mloto White Head Lupingu 3-3.5" Females 15.00

Cynotilapia afra Chitende Frost 1.5-2" 3.75
Labeotropheus trewavasae Ochre 1.5-2" 4.50
Labeotropheus trewavasae Ochre 3-3.5" Males 18.00
Labeotropheus trewavasae Red Top 3.5-4" 18.00
Labidochromis sp. hongi Red Top 1.5-2" 4.13
Melanochromis maingano 1.5-2" 4.50
Melanochromis maingano 3-4" 13.50
Nimbochromis livingstoni 1.5-2" 3.00
Nimbochromis livingstoni 3.5-4" 15.00
Nimbochromis polystigma 1.5-2" 3.00
Nimbochromis polystigma 3-4" 12.00
Nimbochromis venustus 1.5-2" 3.00
Otopharnyx lithobates Zimbawe Rocks Yellow Blaze 3-3.5" 18.00
Protomelas Red Empress 1.5-2" 4.50
Protomelas Red Empress 3-4" 22.50
Protomelas Red Empress 3-4" Females 12.00
Protomelas sp. Fire Blue 3-4" 22.50
Protomelas sp. Fire Blue 3-4" Females 9.00
Protomelas Taiwan Reef 3-3.5" Females 9.00
Pseudotropheus acei Luwala 3.5-4" 11.25
Pseudotropheus aurora Mozambique 3-4" 16.50
Pseudotropheus cobalt Blue 1.5-2" 4.13
Pseudotropheus cobalt Blue 3-3.5" 12.00
Pseudotropheus daktari 3-4" 11.25
Pseudotropheus demasoni Small 7.13
Pseudotropheus demasoni Medium 13.50
Pseudotropheus kenyi 1.5-2" 3.75
Pseudotropheus polit 1.5-2" 6.00
Pseudotropheus salousi 1.5-2" 6.00
Pseudotropheus salousi 1.25" 4.50
Pseudotropheus socoloffi 1.5-2" 3.00
Pseudotropheus zebra Cherry Red 1.5-2" 3.38
Pseudotropheus zebra Cherry Red 2.5-3" 9.00
Pseudotropheus zebra Cherry Red 3-4" 15.00
Pseudotropheus zebra Red 1.5-2" 2.63
Pseudotropheus zebra Red Top Mpanga 1.5-2" 3.38
Scianochromis ahli 1.5-2" 3.75
Scianochromis ahli 3-4" 21.00

Copadichromis mloto Fire Line Msisi Wild 37.00
Cynotilapia afra Kyembela Wild Males 20.25
Metriaclima Silver Blaze Magunga Wild 20.25
Otopharynx sp. Big Blue Spot Magunga Wild 36.00
Protomelas taeniolatus Tiger Spot Kirondo Wild 33.00
Pseudotropheus msobo Deep Magunga Wild 18.75

Haplochromis nyererei Ruti Island 2-2.5" 11.25
Haplochromis sp. Kenya Gold 3-3.5" 12.00

Altolamprologus calvus Yellow 1-1.25" 5.63
Altolamprologus compressiceps Black Nangu 1-1.25" 5.25
Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold Head Muzi 1-1.25" 5.25
Altolamprologus compressiceps Orange Mwela 1.25" 4.50
Altolamprologus compressiceps Red Lufubu 1-1.25" 5.25
Altolamprologus compressiceps Red Fin Zambian 1-1.25" 5.25
Benthochromis tricoti 1.5-2" 24.00
Cyphotilapia frontosa Karilani Yellow Dorsal 8.63
Cyphotilapia frontosa Kipili Blue 15.00
Cyphotilapia frontosa Mpimbwe Blue 15.00
Cyphotilapia frontosa 7 Stripe 3-4" 35.00
Cyphotilapia frontosa 6 Stripe Burundi 8.63
Cyprichromis leptosoma Blue Flash Malasa 7.50
Cyprichromis leptosoma Bulu Point 7.50
Cyprichromis leptosoma Jumbo Black Fin 7.50
Cyprichromis leptosoma Lime Ghost 7.50
Cyprichromis leptosoma Lime Ghost Congo 2" 10.50
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba 10.50
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba 2-2.5" 27.00
Cyprichromis leptosoma Mvuna 2" Color 15.00
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Bemba 9.00
Julidochromis dickfeldi 5.25
Julidochromis regani Kigoma 5.25
Julidochromis regani Kipilli 7.13
Julidochromis regani Sumbu 5.25
Julidochromis transcriptus Kalemie 5.63
Julidochromis transcriptus Kalemie 1.5" 7.13
Julidochromis transcriptus Kissi 5.63
Julidochromis transcriptus Zongwe New 5.63
Julidochromis transcriptus Gombi 2.25" 11.25
Lamprologus brevis Kavala 2" 8.25
Lamprologus meleagrise 6.00
Lamprologus ocellatus Yellow Belly 1.25" 5.63
Lamprologus ornatipinnis 1.5" 5.63
Lepidolamprologus nkambe 1.25-1.5" 12.00
Neolamprologus brichardi Kiku Fire Tip New 5.63
Neolamprologus buescheri Gombi 9.00
Neolamprologus cygnus 1.25" 6.75
Neolamprologus daffodil 1.25" 5.25
Neolamprologus facicula Sibwesa "White Tips" 1.5" 6.00
Neolamprologus longicaudata Medium 35.00
Neolamprologus nigriventris rare 24.00
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis Neon Blue 10.50
Petrochromis Famula Nyanza Lac 3-4" 27.00
Tropheus brichardi Kipilli 3-4" 18.75
Tropheus duboisi Yellow Band 9.75
Tropheus duboisi Yellow Band 1.5-2" 11.25
Tropheus moorii Moliro 1.5-2" 13.13
Tropheus moorii Moliro 3.5-4" 26.25
Tropheus moorii Murago Green 1.5-2" 18.00
Tropheus sp. Kiriza Kaiser 10.50
Xenotilapia flavipinnis Nyanza Lac 13.13

Cyphotilapia frontosa Kipili Blue Wild 81.00
Cyprichromis coloratus Gold Fin Wild Males 37.00
Cyprichromis leptosoma Tricolor Wild 36.00
Enantiopus melanogenys Utinta Wild 44.00
Eretmodus cyanostictus Burundi Wild 12.00
Julidochromis marlieri Orange Karilani 2.25"+ 9.00
Lamprologus multifasciatus Wild 6.75
Mastacembalus elipsifer Kagongo Wild 35.00
Mastacembalus plagiostoma Wild 46.00
Petrochromis Kazumba Orange Wild 65.00
Petrochromis Moshi Yellow Wild 52.50
Petrochromis sp. Longola Wild 71.00
Spathodus eryrthrodon Wild 12.00

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
You all missed a great trip.
Nice drive in the country.
Lots of fish.
Good people.
and lunch too.

Counting Sarah and Bill there were 10 of us.

And not very far. Compared to the Pittsburgh day trip we took a few years back.


Was a great trip. Thanks Julie! And thanks Sarah for picking out my M/F gobies and bristlenoses. Nothing like having a room full of experts to advise on fish purchases! All home safe.
It was a nice day for sure. I only wish I could have stayed a little longer. Julie was a great hostess and Bill served as chef and made sure we had plenty of burgers to eat.

And, got to see a lot of neat fish too.

A day trip within a two hour drive is perfect. We should try a few more next summer.
Didn't take many photos today. But Bill provided us with an interesting insect oppurtunity.

Still not sure what was going on. The spider and the bee were devouring each other on his windshield.

The only fish photo was an attempt to get the salousi that someone was looking for. No luck though. This is the result of Pat holding a flashlight and remote speedflash, while I was trying to focus on a subject.

Sorry for the poor result.


While my back is killing me today :smashfreakB: and I won't be walking upright for next couple of days , it was completely worth it. What a great day, Jen thanks for the ride, and to those others who offered. Bill thanks for the hamburgers and the cool diving stories. Sarah thanks for leaving me a couple of fish to get :rolleyes: . And Julie thanks for opening up your house and fishrooms to us, what a great way to spend the day.
I hope we can do this again!


Sounds like I missed a great time. I made all of my guys come in and work Saturday, so I had to go in and keep them motivated (didn't seem right for them to work and me to play).


It was such a nice trip - I really hope there's a "next time"!

Thanks so much to Julie for allowing us to visit .... and for the "extra" directions (that last mile was a killer! :smashfreakB: )

It was great to see so many cool fish in one place - AND to be able to get 'expert' advice right on the spot! The only problem is now I'm aware of even MORE fish I'm going to need some day .... :angel2:

By the way, that picture of the bee and spider is fuel for some SERIOUS nightmares. :unsure: :eek:


Well... the bird REALLY misses Tracey !!!!! I guess Melissa is sad today from what Julie said ;)

Julie loved having you all up at her place. Talking and spending time with people that have the same things in common is one of her fav. things to do !

Hope you all are enjoying the fish you picked up. I know I am ! Many more sifters are in my tank !!! I think I picked up WAY too many !!!