Free Monster Fish!


You heard me... monster-sized fish, free! To most of you! LOL... the fish are free to club members. Non-members, there will be a small rehoming fee... let's say, $25. Or, you could just join the club, then get them for free! Your call! What I know will be available:

3 Pacus
2 or 3 Clown Knives
1 Channel Cat
1 African Cichlid of some kind (won't know what it is until I see it... but apparently, its a large one)
1 Redtail Catfish

Now, I don't know the exact size of these fish yet... I just know they are BIG. I will try to get specific size info as soon as I can. Also, I do not have pics, but I do have solid reason to believe all of these fish are in good health, and have been well taken care of. Assuming all goes well, I will have access to these fish by sometime Saturday. If you are interested, make your claim in this thread, and I will pm you to arrange pickup. The faster these are gone, the better. First come, first served, as reflected in this thread. This means if you PM me for the same fish someone in this thread is claiming, I will ignore the pm and defer to the claim in the thread as the official claim. Hope that's clear.

If none are claimed by 7 pm Friday night, I will then give them away free to non-club members, and also post this on MFK. Any leftover after that, I will bring to March meeting and donate to the club for auction.

Any questions? Send me a pm, or ask it right here!



Sorry guys... all clown knives already taken. 2 to Reel Addiction, and I am keeping the other one. Also, your username gotta be in green to get the free fish! So Paypal your membership dues real quick, and then you can claim free fish!



Pacus, channel cat and redtail catfish are left... I know we got some fans of these guys out there... where are you all hiding? LOL...



thats what I was thinkin about the pacus...always heard about people noming them..but never done it myself


I hear they are really good...but I cant eat em if I didnt raise em..and if I didnt raise em who knows what they ate