Fish Suicide Mystery


So I'm trying to figure out how one of my 3.5" blue botia loaches jumped out of the tank. The tank has a full hood with a front hinged lid that was closed and the gaps in the back for my HOB filter are so small and narrow for a fish of that size to jump out. How the heck did he jump out?


Well-Known Member
Like salmon? Went upstream on the HOB filter. I had a syno petricola catfish do that to me once.


Past CCA President
I've had fish jump from tanks through a 1" square opening in the corner of the tank with a heater sticking out of the hole. Amazing what some fish will do.

Sorry for the loss.


Thanks guys.

I think he must have contorted himself around the HOB and heater cord and made the death leap. Since those guys are nocturnal, I was sleeping and wasn't there to rescue him.


I once had a 4" fish wedge itself in the narrow space between the glass lid and the glass brace. Don't know how long he was there but heard some commotion, set him free. He didn't make it though.


Active Member
Staff member
Came home one night at 330 in the morning to find my wife awake and looking at the tank in the bedroom. Our dog heard a fish jump out of the tank and would not let her go back to sleep until she rescued it. Fish was saved.