Fish, Plants, Stuff delivered to CCA



i have some stuff i can bring to the meeting next week:

6-7 Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis, $15

one Sm Echinodorus sp Red Devil, $6

Aspidoras CW052, 6 for $20

Ancistrus Triradiatus babies, inch-inch and quarter $2.50 ea

dozen sm red-ish, brown-ish Ramshorn snails $1

36 inch light w compact flourescent bulb (plus one extra). works well, has fan and all.. bulbs are old but still works - very bright! make offer

4 30 inch Coralife aqualight T5 NO bulbs. new in box, $10 ea or 30 for all

new in box, aquaclear 20 powerhead, $12

as usual, im open to trades..

plecos, corys, plants,
i will update as i go. im debating adding a big piece of wood w moss and some anubia :D

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6-7 or 8-depends how many i see to pull- Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis, $15

one Sm Echinodorus sp Red Devil, $6

Aspidoras CW052, 6 GONE

Ancistrus Triradiatus babies, inch-inch and quarter $2.00 ea

dozen sm red-ish, brown-ish Ramshorn snails $1

36 inch light w compact flourescent bulb (plus one extra). works well, has fan and all.. bulbs are old but still works - very bright! make offer

4 30 inch Coralife aqualight T5 NO bulbs. new in box, $10 ea or 30 for all

new in box, aquaclear 20 powerhead, $12

a few decorations, make offer before Rich takes them :p see pics

wisper 100 filter- make offer

as usual, im open to trades..

plecos, corys, plants, anyone wanna trade? looknig for some calico plecos, super reds, Female Apistogramma bitaeniatus, other things...



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6-7 or 8-depends how many i see to pull- Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis, $15

one Sm Echinodorus sp Red Devil, $GONE

Aspidoras CW052, 6 GONE

Ancistrus Triradiatus babies, inch-inch and quarter $2.00 ea

dozen sm red-ish, brown-ish Ramshorn snails $1/dozen

36 inch light w compact flourescent bulb (plus one extra). works well, has fan and all.. bulbs are old but still works - very bright! make offer

4 30 inch Coralife aqualight T5 NO bulbs. new in box, $10 ea or 30 for all

new in box, aquaclear 20 powerhead, $12

a few decorations, make offer before Rich takes them :p see pics

wisper 100 air pump- make offer

piece of wood with moss growing on it, $10

BTW: thank you to everyone who bought from me last time, i fixed the wheel bearings, calipers and brake pads to my car and runs nice and smoothly. $500 bucks was my toll but u all helped me a lot!

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last minute cancelation. replacement part for my car came in and still no working. if it snows/rains i cant go anywhere..if it doesnt i will go to try and get it repaired =/

i will send stuff with my friend Jose, JMTY in the forum. thank you.