fish foods


hey all! have some fish foods i got from brineshrimp direct with pvas group order a while back and despite attempts to use it i still have a tooooon!!!! i want to give it before it goes bad or something (how long can i keep it for?)
i have;
tropical fish medley, gourmet tropical fish flake, the container was 16 ounces, i bet there is like 15 or 14 left!!
phyto plankton plus, small granule food that was 2.2 pounds, probably like 2 pounds left!!! i will keep a little of each but dont need it by the pound.

price is best offer, any offer!!


noone? here is some pics:

i will trade for regular silver angels or 5.5 gallon fish tanks.. (shhh wife doesnt know!) also for shrimp..fry saver thing.

snail 001.jpg

snail 002.jpg

snail 003.jpg

snail 004.jpg


Put large quantities of fish food in freezer. Just take out enough for a weeks feeding. The food will last indefinantly.


Put large quantities of fish food in freezer. Just take out enough for a weeks feeding. The food will last indefinantly.

i don't have any more room in the freezer! the mistake was getting frozen, kens and will literally not go down at all! :eek:

i have 4 bars of pound ea in the freezer, one half pound of kens flake and no more room in the freezer for fish foods (says wife) so yeah..anyone?