Fish available for Saturday's meeting


I have the following available for Saturday's meeting.

Cryptoheros Sp (HRP Rio Danli), Adult Pairs 10$, Males are 2 to 2.5 inches

Corydoras aeneus (Bronze Cory) adults 2 $ each (Group of 6 for 10 $)

Corydoras aeneus, breeding groups, Group of 6 for 15

Corydoras paleatus (Pepper Cory) adults – 2 $ each (Group of 6 for 10$)

Corydoras paleatus, breeding groups, Group of 6 for 20

Placidochromis electra 3 inch Colored Male 20 $, Females 5$ each CARES species

Placidochromis electra 2.5 to 3 inch Semi-colored male 15$

Breeding group Placidochromis electra vibrant color one 7 inch Male 30 $, 2 Female about 5 inch 10$ each

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (lemon jake) ~5 inch colored male, 20$, females 5$ each

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (lemon jake) 4 inch colored male 15$ females 5$ each

Large Red Metriaclima zebra ~ 6- 7 inch 6 $ each (Group of 4 for 20$)

Pseudotropheus acei (Yellow Tail) 3 – 4 inches breeding adults, 3$ each (Group of 6 for 15$)

Pseudotropheus Acei (Yellow Tail) about 6 -7 inch adults, 10$ each (group of 4 for 35)

Thanks for looking - Mahesh


If possible to get a pic of the 3'' male , Ill let you know which one ill take. the big one is a stunner! you can send to my cell or post here, thank you..


Nice..ok Ill take the 3"..dnt think I have room for the big stunner :( see you after the meeting. You have my cell # in the PM..thank you


I am interested in these males:
Placidochromis electra, Corydoras aeneus, Aulonocara jacobfreibergi, Red Metriaclima zebra, Pseudotropheus Acei

I will also inbox you