F1 Red Rainbows, Kantalamba


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
Wow Phil, they're lookin great!!! Towards the end on the lower right I saw yellow flanks, won't be long now ;)

that's one heck of a vid from a phone...


Clean and simple looking. It's odd that your fish just hang out by the rocks for the most part. My tropheus have always swam all over the tank, all the time. Did you take that with iPhone 3 or 4?


Thanks all!

Clean and simple looking. It's odd that your fish just hang out by the rocks for the most part. My tropheus have always swam all over the tank, all the time. Did you take that with iPhone 3 or 4?

The reason why I think they do that is that those rocks are relatively large, about 20-25lbs each and go more than halfway up the tank. Maybe they think anything higher than the rocks is surface?

iPhone 4 :)