eye tear?


I just noticed my benga has like a tear on one eye.
It's not cloudy as I see like the "cover" or cornea of the eye sticking out on one side.

I can only imagine he was attacked and got this injury.
What can I do for him? :(


I had someone in my tank attacking my fishes eyes. My venustus had the same thing. I placed him in quarantine and treated with melafix. His eye healed and looked good but he still had limited vision. When I put him back in he would always stay at an angle at the top of the tank so no one would sneak up on his bad side and attack him. I had a ruby get her eye completely taken out and she had no problems whatsoever. So it depends on the fish but it could be fine


Thanks Eric.
He's still in the big tank but seems very active.
I'm still planning on getting him out on friday for some melafix treatment.