Dithers for Big Centrals


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Tank is 125 gallons with a ton of wood and the following:

  • 4 - 4"+/1 Herichthys carpintis (two pair)
  • Pair 4" Paratheraps breidohri
  • 5-6 3" Honduran Red Points
  • 1 7"-8" common pleco
I tried denison barbs - they lost the fight.

I tried Yoyo loaches - they got beat on and got skinny.

I tried 18 Australian rainbows from Josh. Ended up with 5 after a few days.

Any other suggestions? Tiger barbs? Giant danios? Matt proposed adult tinfoil barbs.

Is it a short term thing anyway, considering the main inhabitants? I see it becoming one pair each of the big boys with a few HRPs hiding out in nooks and crannies.

Thanks in advance.


I've never tried tinfoil barbs, but I think it's a good bet you'll end up with what you described in the sentence that comes before "Thanks in advance". Just my two cents though. But for what it's worth, I had giant danios and they last a little while due to their sheer speed. But even they don't last forever... or at least, not in my tanks of similar fish...



CCA Members
More like early teenager tin foils. If you can track down some 4" or so tin foils, you'll be in good shape. They can get to like 18"...but it takes awhile (like a year and a half) ;)

Decent sized giant danios could also make it.

I actually have quite a few rainbow cichlids in my tanks: colorful, active, relatively peaceful and can take a licking.



More like early teenager tin foils. If you can track down some 4" or so tin foils, you'll be in good shape. They can get to like 18"...but it takes awhile (like a year and a half) ;)

Decent sized giant danios could also make it.

I actually have quite a few rainbow cichlids in my tanks: colorful, active, relatively peaceful and can take a licking.


Rainbow cichlids? Interesting... I would have never thought it. Figured them to be way too low key. Hmm... what do ya know.



Yoma danios are really lovely, though a bit expensive.

Honestly, danios are some of the fastest fish out there - I'd try an inexpensive variety to start and see what happens. Pearls get a little bigger than zebra/leopard, but not as big as giant, and are pretty speedy.


CCA Members
Smaller danios (pearls, zebras, etc.) wouldn't last overnight.


Yoma danios are really lovely, though a bit expensive.

Honestly, danios are some of the fastest fish out there - I'd try an inexpensive variety to start and see what happens. Pearls get a little bigger than zebra/leopard, but not as big as giant, and are pretty speedy.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Thanks for the replies all. Tried rainbow cichlids and they did not prosper. :/

Petco has $1 each giant danios at a decent size. May give them a shot.... anything expensive is out of the questions.

Either way, I think Rich hit it on the head and I answered my own question.

Oh yeah, forgot I killed about $40 in good-sized wild-type sail fin mollies (from Clapsaddle) as well, lol.


Past CCA President
I picked up 3 silver dollars at AquaMania and have been keeping them with my amphilophus with no trouble at all. They are actually becoming some of my favorite fish to watch. Maybe worth a shot.

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Well I have tried just about everything with terrible results.

My first question is why do you need dithers?

I have kept most of the fish you listed as adults and while they aren't psycho I can tell you small fish become food quick with those tankmates. Here is what I suggest get some fancy convicts or Neets from Matt. Unless your looking for fish to occupy a certain water column level? They have done very well for me. Not big enough to damage your stock but nasty enough to take a beating. And keep on coming. Your only other option is silver dollars. But they will need to be adults.

Full tank shots please!!!



I picked up 3 silver dollars at AquaMania and have been keeping them with my amphilophus with no trouble at all. They are actually becoming some of my favorite fish to watch. Maybe worth a shot.

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They are pretty cool arent they? It just adds a different element to the tank.

Tony if you go the giant danio route ill give you my remaining two. ( had like 8 or so but majority of them jumped out of the tank over a long period of time)


potamotrygon fan
I had giant danios in my 120 as dithers back when it was a comunity tank but every week 2-3 would go missing. I had a 13" endilicheri bichir that probably ate them but I dont think any of the fish in that tank (at the moment) are big enough to eat them so they should work well.
Large silver dollars are hard to beat if you can find some


Bad luck for me too, Drew... my vieja wiped out a group of huge silver dollars in a week.

Convicts have worked extremely well so far. In fact, I didn't realize how much I like convicts until recently.



I.ve used silver dollars with Dovii and Texas cichlids, and they did fine after the initial onslaught, you might rearrange the tank before you add them.


I have 5 3"-4" Silver $ in with my Carpintis pair (5" male, 4" female. 5' foot 120 GL tank) I still give her some where to hide when he gets a little rough, but for the most part its a fairly quite tank.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Dang... haven't been on much since last week. Thanks for all the responses, fellas.

Always wanted to keep silver dollars, but always had plants in the tanks. This tank has no plants!

Think I'll try either them or the giant danios, depending on what I can find cheap. Thanks for the offer, Matt. Will try some Petco ones first (after a nice long quarantine) and if they work out, will hit you up. :)

Pete and Drew - I've been meaning to get up some video of this tank. It's awesome. Will shoot to in the next couple of days. Bredohri aren't colored up very much (and it's not all that well lit), but still good looking fish.

Cheers guys for the help.