DAPHNIA & FISH FS delivered to CCA meeting on May 11, 2019

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Daphnia and fish for sale and will be delivered to the CCA meeting this Saturday May 11, 2019.

Please respond in a reply below with questions or what you want me to bring to the meeting. All fish and cultures are home grown, tank raised.

Daphnia is $5 a bag.
Microworm culture in a pint plastic sandwich box. $5. A starter amount of microworms is free to any CCA member who asks for the starter. This is about a tablespoon of my old culture, with which you can start an new culture.

Rotifer culture is $5 for a pint of an existing culture in a fish bag.
Vinegar eel culture is $5 for a culture in a plastic box and includes a harvesting sponge.

Instructions are available with purchase of any of the above cultures if you provide an email
by sending a note to me at aquaticlifefarm@gmail.com

Red cherry shrimp are $15 for a group of 20 +.

Sarasa comet goldfish, red and white, about 5 to 7 inches $5 each
Koi metallic yellow $15 each for 7-10 inch fish. Others available have different colors.

Lamprologus Gold Ocellatus (F2) (Lake Tanganyikan shell dwellers) young about 1 inch fish $20 each ( 8 available), pairs are $60.
Chindongo demasoni are $5 each for fish that are about 2 inches Adults are available.

Corydoras aeneus (bronze corys) are $4 each for young fish.
Corydoras sp CW010, Gold Laser Cory are $10 each
Corydoras oiapoquensis are $8 each
Corydoras paleatus are $6 each
Corydoras panda are $6 each
Corydoras weitzmani are $8 each

Opaline (blue) gouramis are $4 each for young 2-3 inch fish.
Male Flame Dwarf Gouramis are $8 each. No females available.

Elassoma gilberti (gold coast pygmy sunfish) a native fish from western Florida $22 a pair

ANCISTRUS sp L144, Black-eyed Yellow Bristlenose Pleco $22 a pair
ANCISTRUS sp - albino bristlenose $3 each for 1 to 2 inch fish, $7 each for adults
ANCISTRUS sp - spotted/brown bristlenose catfish $7 each for adults

Danio rerio (longfin zebra danio) $5 each
Melanotaenia parva (Red-orange rainbow fish) $9 each for adults or 6 young for $40

SEWELLIA MARMORATA sp FIREWORKS (Hillstream loach) $8 each or 6 for $40

XIPHOPHORUS HELLERI - (black Moscow swords / black velvet swordtail) $5 each
XIPHOPHORUS HELLERI - (red velvet swordtail) $5 each
XIPHOPHORUS MACULATUS - (red-wag platy) $4 each
XIPHOPHORUS MACULATUS - (Electric Blue platy / Platinum blue platy) $5 each

Dumbo-eared firecracker guppies $15 a pair

Please respond in this thread (preferred) or email me at aquaticlifefarm@gmail.com