Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
FOR SALE: Daphnia and other live food cultures plus various fish

Can deliver to the THE CCA party on Saturday DECEMBER 13, 2014
All fish are home grown, tank raised.
Order in this thread, preferred, or PM me, please.

Daphnia $5 a bag
Microworm culture in a sandwich box $5
Microworm starter is free to any member, just ask for the microworm starter, that is enough of an old culture to start an new culture.
Vinegar eel culture in a sandwich box $5, great food for rainbow fry or any really small fry after the first couple days.
Paramecium, a quart of a going culture, $5 these are great first food for any really small fry like rainbows and annulatus.

Black banded sunfish $10 each or 6 for $50

MICROGEOPHAGUS RAMIREZI - Electric blue rams $20 a pair.
MICROGEOPHAGUS RAMIREZI - Gold RAMS only have two males left, $5 each.

brochis splendins (The emerald green catfish) $5 each recently renamed Corydoras splendins

CORYDORAS 'BLACK' schultzei, $10 each or 6 for $50
Corydaras sterbai $8 each or 5 for $32

ALBINO corys 6 for $20 or $4 each
Corydoras panda 6 for $20 or $4 each
Corydoras paleatus 6 for $20 or $4 each
Or any six of the above 3 kinds of catfish for $20.

Regular adult brown BN $12 a pair
BN spotted or albino (around 2 to 3 inches) $5 each

Red velvet swordtails $3 each
Red wag platys $3 each
Blue red -tailed variatus $4 each

KOI angelfish $5 each
Silver angelfish $5 each
Black lace angelfish $5 each
Clown angelfish $7 each

Pseudotropheus demasoni, a CARES fish, best kept in a large group, 12 two to three inch young, $50, adult males $7 each, adult females $9 each

WAPOGA LASER RED RAINBOWFISH: young fish showing great color and ready to spawn $25 a pair.

All fish are home grown, tank raised.
Order in this thread, preferred, or PM me, please.


Frank, may I please have a starter? I forgot to put my cultures in the fridge over the holiday and they are looking pretty sparse :-(.