Corydoras and a few different cichlids FS

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
I can bring to any CCA meeting or ship by mail (cost for shipping is $12 for local DC area and $20 for most anywhere else in the US).

corydoras habrosus $5 each or 6 for $25
corydoras paleatus $4 ea
Corydoras sterbai small $6 each or 6 for $30
corydoras sterbai large $7 each or 6 for $35
albino corys $4 ea

microgeophagus rameri (German blue rams) $14 pair
Gymnogeophagus balzanii (Argentine eartheaters) $12 pair, extra females $5 each
veil tail koi angelfish (good erect fins) $4 ea for quarter size bodies
black lace angelfish $4 for quarter to half dollar size
black velvet angelfish $6 for quarter to half dollar size

aphyosemion australe orange $6 pair

also available in limited numbers
C axelrodi $6 ea
C oiapoquensis $8 ea
C pygmaus, $ 6


Hey George, deff going to try to but I never can because I usually work 6-2pm on saturdays! Kind of good and bad lol

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member

I have to catch them to be really sure. Counting them in the tanks is questionable because I cannot seem to keep them from moving around.

There are at least 6 corydoras pygmaeus available.
Also about 4 C axelrodi,
and about 8 C oiapoquensis.

and a 10% discount to CCA members.

I have to catch them to be really sure. Counting them in the tanks is questionable because I cannot seem to keep them from moving around.

There are at least 6 corydoras pygmaeus available.
Also about 4 C axelrodi,
and about 8 C oiapoquensis.

and a 10% discount to CCA members.

I'll take the definite 6 that you have. If you have more, I'll take up to 13!


Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Daphnia is $5 a bag.
Microworms starters in a bag are free to CCA members delivered to CCA mtg, Microworm culture in sandwich box are $3 each.
Vinegar eel cultures are $4 each.
Grindal worm starter are $4 each.

All cultures come with instruction on how I recommend culturing them.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Daphnia will be there.
Vinegar eels and microworms also. But let me know which microworms you want, the free ones or the $3 ones.


The microworms that I got from Frank last month are still doing well (very easy to re-culture) and my baby fish are LOVING them!


The ONE who is The ONE
Mr. Cowherd I would like two veil tail koi angle fish and a bag of daphnia.

Would the the smaller angel fish be okay in a tank with two adult black angel fish to grow out? The tank is 29 gallons. The adult angel fish have bodies about as big as standard coffee 8oz mouth.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member

I have similar sized veil angels with adult angels in my 180 and with no problems. So you should be able to do the same. However, if you see some of the adults pairing off, there has to be enough room for the others to avoid them.
