Gotcha. With that footprint, you should look for ventralis, nasutas or dewindi. The foai need more length though once you've had them for awhile, you can make a four foot tank work, but not recommended. No way that the boops would work. They are a wrecking crew in my 7 foot tank. You should try ventralis. Sarah's got them and I think she has fry, but check with her. The lights she has over her tank bleach out the colors
, but I think hers are chaitikas, which I like a lot -- light shiny blue with black spots when the males get torqued up. In a four footer, you could do one male, or 3, but I don't think two, unless you have a whole lot of females. Also add some cyps for dithers. With the featherfins, calvus and buescheri, you might have too many groups competing for floor space. I'd scape it to have sandy areas on the ends to give two male featherfins a territory each, but then a center rockpile would limit the groups of alto and buescheri. If you did just one male featherfin, you could give him the middle with rocks on the ends for your two alto/lamp groups, but you'll need to give the females a place to retreat up high on the ends. Either tall plants or some other visual barrier. If you want to come by some night when you are picking up or dropping off your daughter I can show you how the tanks are scaped.