Yes, it was an autocorrect failure.
The self cloning crayfish, the Marmokreb, or marbled crayfish is an interesting case. If you've got a TFH Digital subscription, see:
They're a mutation of another species of crayfish, and have been found to be a huge vector of certain diseases for crayfish. Additionally, they can really out-compete native species -- duh, it only takes one to start a breeding population.
They've gotten out in a number of areas, and caused huge damage already -- they're on the short list to be added under the Lacey Act, which would make it illegal to bring them into the US or transport them across state lines; additionally, some states would make it illegal to even possess them (and some already have).
In pretty much all of our local states, they're illegal to buy / sell / trade / gift / comeonyouguysdon'ttrytomakeupaloopholeitjustmakesyouajerk them. In Maryland, it is illegal to even own them. That said, enforcement is ... spotty, at best, particularly since there are multiple state agencies involved, and apparently state agencies don't talk to each other or pay attention to each other's laws. (*FacePalm*).
I can go on a tear about how frustrating it is that these agencies don't communicate, or work together, and how they sometimes aren't even aware of the laws created by other agencies and thereby give out conflictory information or even create conflictory laws, but I won't do that. I can go on a tear about how they seem to delight in making these laws without any oversight or input... and I can go on a tear about how they seem to think that laws are like buried treasure, and should be therefore hard to find... but I won't do that. :-D
In Maryland, you cannot even own them legally. They make great feeders. DO NOT RELEASE THEM.
In Virginia, it is likewise illegal to even own them.
In Pennsylvania, no species of crayfish may be possessed (recent visit by the Pope resulted in several crayfish no longer being possessed).