Cichlids, why must you be...cichlids?


CCA Members
I've been keeping and breeding Cryptoheros nanoluteus for a few years. Great little yellow convict-type fish from Costa Rica.

I decided to move my pair from their 30" tank to a divided 24" one a few months ago. The pair - which has spawned many times - was acting like they wanted to spawn... so I dropped the divider a couple of days ago... everything was looking great...until I came how yesterday evening and the female was dead.

C'est la vie with cichlids.

Anyone have a spare female nanoluetus?



Past CCA President
Been there many times. Had a similar experience just today. I had some parachromis motaguense growing out with some lyonsi. Over the past few weeks, one of the motas decided she wanted the tank to herself and killed everything else, one by one. I decided today to move her into my 180 with bigger fish that wouldn't be such a temptation to attack. Long story short, in the 2 hours that it took me to finish water changes upstairs, the mota was torn to pieces in the 180. I feel bad about the whole thing, but what is a cichlid keeper to do?


This very thing happened to my prized festae pair. I left in the morning, excited by the mating dance. Came home to a dead female. Sucks. What to do, indeed?



I feel your pain, had two ebjd I've been growing out for 6 months murdered by tankmates


potamotrygon fan
I has a P.breidori pair a while back. Right after they laid eggs the male ate them and then killed the female.