Cichlid ID


I got this little guy out of the assorted tank... I don't normally go for these tanks, but this one caught my eye. It may be a hybrid, as the closest thing I've seen that is close are Kenyis. Any one have a guess, or what crossed to produce it?





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Stomach does look full. Thinking the fish is a Kenyi. If it is a hybrid, there is no real way to tell what else it is crossed with, as many Mbuna feature a blue base and some form of barring.


Yes he/she is full. Always happy to hog and gobble up the food .

well mbuna don't know how to stop eating. they wont stop eating when they are full. overweight fish are not healthy and is going to be prone to issues such as bloat. what are you feeding? I feed my adult mbuna once a day and only put enough so that all food is gone within 30 seconds at most.

I agree that it looks like a Kenyi or hybrid of some sort.


well mbuna don't know how to stop eating. they wont stop eating when they are full. overweight fish are not healthy and is going to be prone to issues such as bloat. what are you feeding? I feed my adult mbuna once a day and only put enough so that all food is gone within 30 seconds at most.

I agree that it looks like a Kenyi or hybrid of some sort.

I feed them a pinch of Ocean Nutrition vegi flakes 3 times a day. This one just goes hyper and gobbles all the food as soon as it hits the water. For some reason, this fish goes from normal to that full belly with a relatively small amount of food. It doesn't look like it's malawi bloat, because it returns to normal the next day.