Chunks of dead coral are good for______?


Are these worth keeping and using in a Tang tank (Paracyps, Enantiopus/Ectodus) as habitat or should I just pitch them? Understand they'd help with pH although the tank already has a couple inches of the right sand for that and being coral they are in potentially quite abrasive. Generally like to use smooth rocks so the fish don't get anything worse than bruises as opposed to lacerations in the event that they go larking about. Have a few 'gallons' worth and enough to erect a pretty decent formation.


I use them in all my African cichlid tanks. The fish know not to swim into sharp edges-it's not like there are no sharp edges in the wild. I don't use anything too branching, but stuff like lava coral and blue coral are great. I also use barnacles and dead "live rock" that I've picked up at auctions and yard sales with no ill effects that I've noticed.


I toss chunks into all my tanks to buffer the pH. Easier to keep track of than crushed coral in the hob filters, and they last longer.


CCA Members
I've also used dead coral over the years without ill effects.

When I kept rift lake cichlids, I'd pile it just like rocks.



Thank you all, sounds good.

Am I right to think that there's not a 'too much of a good thing" potential involved? Just wondering where the pH tops out if one uses scads of coral.


Coral in any form will only raise the pH to about 7.6 max, baking soda will take it to 8.2 but no higher regardless of how much you add. Using more baking soda will raise the KH, which stabilizes the pH.


Most obliged for that most succinct/informative reply.

Last: Any link you'd recommend that elaborates on this?


CCA Members
A related question????

Is the dead coral in Sam's tank the same as the stuff one would find at the beach or diving in the ocean? :confused0083:


Chemically speaking I'd venture to say yes.

Mine came from a tank, but dead coral is for all intent and purposes, dead coral, which is to say, the same, yes?