Central Air Loop - To seal or not to seal?


CCA Members
I set up an air loop for my fish room and was hasty and just dry fitted the pvc pipes together. I am happy with the filtration so far but I am about to add a new shelf and will probably add another 5 or 6 outlets when I do. My question is has anybody found sealing the pipes to actually substantially increase air flow? I've considered running pvc glue on the outside of the joints just to make it slightly more tight. But I am scared to dismantle loop now that there is tanks underneath most of it.

lock jaw

CCA Members
I have mine dry fitted but what happened was the connections would get lose and a corner fitting would get disconnected that caused all the tanks not to get air. So I glued everything. If I ever need to add more pvc, I can always cut a section and work from there.