invert junkie
mystery rasbora (possibly agilis):
apisto tefe male:
caridina spinata
amano on the go
malawa shrimp:
furcata rainbow:
delhezi from Bo and lfc
triple red female and fry
triple red male
baenschi female and fry
juvie male orange cac
bristlenose and longfinned bristlenose:
bumble bee catfish, wish I could get a good pic of these guys, they are truly stunning and fun:
red spot nerite:
big boy endlis:
new ornate hiding from teh big boys:
gar being nosey:
espei rasbora, love these guys:
chilli rasbora:
mystery rasboras (possibily agilis). These guys are SUPER golden and extremely active. Really cool fish:
furcatas rainbow:
habrosus cory:
tons and tons of pics!
mystery rasbora (possibly agilis):
apisto tefe male:
caridina spinata
amano on the go
malawa shrimp:
furcata rainbow:
delhezi from Bo and lfc
triple red female and fry
triple red male
baenschi female and fry
juvie male orange cac
bristlenose and longfinned bristlenose:
bumble bee catfish, wish I could get a good pic of these guys, they are truly stunning and fun:
red spot nerite:
big boy endlis:
new ornate hiding from teh big boys:
gar being nosey:
espei rasbora, love these guys:
chilli rasbora:
mystery rasboras (possibily agilis). These guys are SUPER golden and extremely active. Really cool fish:
furcatas rainbow:
habrosus cory:
tons and tons of pics!